HELP w/ Lowryder 'hydro hut mini' grow

i transfered over to your guys forum site after was forced to shutdown.. the site is still running but mods and the community no longer are active as for security and spam was a major issue.

glad i got on board somewhere else.

ok im starting back up again and kinda know what im doing for a setup.

im gonna go with Dr.Chronic's "Lowryder Dwarf Mix" which comes 10 seeds & Joint Doctors AK47 Auto x Lowryder #2 Feminized, 5 seeds

im not gonna grow anything but lowryder for awhile.

im going to grow with a 'hydro hut mini' shown here:Mini Cool Cab | Hydrohut Kindergarten & Mini Caddy, Aerogarden Kit

i wanna grow between 5-16 plants

now for a light im unsure, im thinking of getting 600w digital hps but would 400w be suffice? iam going to get the upgrade of whichever for an airflow reflector which has 6"flang ducts.

this is gonna be crucial for me because 600w can light properly an area 3.5x3.5 while a 400w can do 3x3. i just dont know if its over kill or my fans can exhaust that well enuff.

heres a link for both..

400w:High Tech Garden Supply

600w:High Tech Garden Supply

for inline EXHAUST fan im getting this:
High Tech Garden Supply

for the carbon filter im getting:High Tech Garden Supply

for the inline INTAKE fan i will use the same as EXHAUST:

NOW are my intake and outake fans spose to push the same cfm? or is outake spose to be greater?

gosh i feel like ive lost my touch.. lol... blahhh

NOW for grow container iam gonna use 1 GALLON Plastic Nursery Pots as they are only 7"tall and 7"wide.

shown here: High Tech Garden Supply

for soil iam going to use fox farms OCEAN FOREST POTTING MIX 1.5 CUBIC FEET

shown here: High Tech Garden Supply

for nutrients im gonna use fox farm series nutes.

shown here:High Tech Garden Supply

not even sure if the lowryder will need nutes but read some grow logs that after two weeks u can use some grow big and then during mid flowering use bloom and tiger bloom, then flush.

im srry this post is sooo choad and enormous but had to vent this off and get some feedback.

all help appreciate

sound ok?



Active Member
With lowriders I heard that you dont need to put nutes if you have a good soil mixture at first. Take that ocean forest with vermiculite, earthworm castings, bat guanno, and perlite that should sustain a lowrider all the way to harvest. Now with a small tent I would go with the 400 watt hps with a cool tube and reflector for heat reasons, but hey if you can control the temp more watts is better so you would have the light if you want to move to more than lowriders, and you will do more than lowriders. Have fun...


Active Member
Go with the 600 watter. I have 16 lowryder crosses going under a 600 watter in a 4 x 3 closet. Also don't use an intake fan. Just make a passive intake. Save the money for more beans, or for the 100 other things that will pop up when you set your grow up. Even though you think you have the whole grow figured out, you don't. There will be things popping up constantly until you get it dialed in. Then you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labors ( pun intended).