Help To Design My Grow Room


Active Member
Alright hey everyone, sorry for the delay about getting back to this post. I ended up having to take a family member of mine to the Hospital and been helpin out.. But he just had surgery and got out of the hospital today. So I apologize in advance if I take awhile to reply.

But I will try to upload the actual layout of how the rooms are actually shaped and all.. Because I got got really high last week and got bored so I designed how I think I'll have it setup.. But collective, you are saying that you sheet the ceilings and walls all with plywood and then paint it flat white? I can definitely understand what you mean about panda plastic being only temporary.. I will definitely catch up on your grow shortly, I definitely plan on it. I do have a question (honestly, its probably answered very early in the thread you posted, I just checked over there really quick) I was wondering what your budget total was for just the portion of creating the grow rooms. I understand about other expenses. I am just wondering for setup including plywood/systems/lights all that sort of items totaling.. I saw your limit was $60,000 and I wish I lived in a dispensary state and knew buddies with that much because I am very business oriented and I've thought about doing this grow for just a few years and visiting legal states and potentially opening up there depending on factors in the state and all.. I'm sorry again, I just smoked before I typed this up..

But if I don't get back to this shortly, I will soon enough I just have to help out with my family member and then I will be back up and posting more frequently after that is taken care of and recovered from surgery.


Active Member

I have full dimensions of everything in that drawing. But starting at the bottom left is where the breaker box is at where larger storage can be located along with a reverse osmosis filter later on down the road. To the right is a room that I plan on having a hidden door as it will contain large quantities but there are cabinets just for storage along with containing mason jars that have buds that are being cured. Now I realize some people will think this is silly or unethical but after having made the proper changes for a larger scale I have found out how to build a large scale bud dryer based off of another DIY that Panhead had created. The DIY is The $40 4 Day Bud Dryer Although the version I would be building would be significantly different, but same concept and just larger scale.

It is a 4x4 or 5x5 box that has trays that can be pulled out with buds laying on it to dry out while having a 800-1000 cfm fan is pulling air out at the top of the box while there are .5"x6" openings for each tray totaling 12 openings and it would be the right pressure for moisture to be pulled out and dry the bud quicker as well to be able to function effectively. After that just jar it and cure.

The next room to the right (I got bored.) In short just have chairs/tables/blunts to smoke but in short, it will be used mostly for when we are harvesting and trimming plants..

Back to the left and just above the breaker box room is the entrance. There are 3 doors. I plan on having the door on the top to a grow room blocked off completely and having you have to pass through the room with the couch in it. Now up one more room, The tables in that room are 4x8 as well as one 2x4 container. In total 4 4x8 tables and 1 2x4 container. Now I believe you can get the idea for the final 4 "grow rooms". Don't pay attention to the squares over tables.. I was thinking of doing a diagram that had lights above them as well but never really got to finish it up. I also never finished the top right grow room but I was planning another 4x8 with a 4x4 in front of it. Now the back room I definitely have questions for in there. Its also 6' deep 28' long. From the left, I plan on it being all mothers with a 4x8 table strictly for clones. But I am not sure if one or 2 clone tables would be needed. And for the very top right room, I plan on having males in there to be able to use for cross breeding. But when I don't have any males going, the wall can be removed and just used as another clone table. As far as all the grow rooms I plan on having all 1000 HPS watt lights but potentially starting with 600s so I'll have spare light systems on hand. Now I am unclear for mother rooms. I am thinking of using MH lights but also I've heard t5s are good as well. What would you suggest for a mother room at the size of mine. For the clones, I think I'll be using T5s as I've not heard of people using anything else. Clones are a portion of growing I am inexperienced until just recently, but I've definitely learned and fairly quick. Took about 10 clones first go round and 6 rooted, and around 25 the second and 23 rooted. So I am most definitely catching on quick for that part.

Yes I'm out on the East, but kinda wish I lived in Cali or Colorado.. But I'm in a Bible Belt state unfortunately. For strains, I really don't know much as I've only really grown bag seeds so that I'm also not really experienced with true Northern Lights or WW. But we are actually planning on ordering seeds very soon for our current grow op. I'm thinking either WW, Northern Lights, or AK-48 from Nirvana but what we really want is some real Sour Diesel seeds but I can't seem to find any.. I know of more than just these but only trust The Attitude and Nirvana for seed banks but The Attitudes catalog is just confusing to me and I've just become really fond of Nirvana honestly.

I'm also unsure of which strains are higher yielding, but I'm thinking that will be my next project or task or whatever you wanna call it. I think I'm basically just gonna be reading a few books on different strains, or do you know of other ways? I would like to learn how most if not all shops/dispensary's/probably yourself know that X strain is good for headaches Y strain is good for insomnia and Z is good for eating disorder. I know that it would be expected to learn over time, But I do wonder how they directly.. associate that XYZ buds help this specific disorder/injury.

My current growing equipment is: full ebb and flow with a plastic concrete tray (from Lowes) for tray and a rubbermaid for the Tote along with all pumps and hoses and such.. 1k hps a 400 mh and the 1kw hps ballast with a 2 t5 flouro for clones. Along with misc other supplies..

But I plan on slowly investing back into the grow op and not just a lump sum from the get-go. I plan on using the majority of funds made from this first harvest to re-invest and put money back for electricity and bills. Honestly I've learned a lot more in the past 6 months about growing (even though all of it wasn't spent growing too) than over the time I grew beforehand. But I plan on building the grow room setup in stages so to speak. Like I actually plan on having 2 rooms going at separate times so I can have more occasional harvests even if it is just one tote harvest or 10 totes to harvest. But I'm hoping to have 2 rooms started in 2-3 months with small investments in the mean time. And then plan on having AT LEAST 4 rooms completed at 6 months and everything smoothly running by the end up the first year. Do you think this would be a reasonable and realistic set of goals for the time frame mentioned? I plan on having at least 50% of profits after each harvest going directly back into reinvesting into the Grow Op. Do you think this is a realistic idea for how much I'll be re-investing?

Also I found out some good news.. One of my neighbors (family member of one of my partners in this) actually owns a electrician company, so I believe that we will most likely be using him for the electrical work or having him just assist me and teach me how to do certain things and possibly just have him do the most... dangerous/important electrical work.

So just a recap. How many total lights do you think I should have in the rooms after now seeing a full detailed diagram of how I think the final grow op for systems is completed? And how many amps do you think that would end up totaling out to be?

And holy shit. I am so sorry for this being a insanely long post. I just am getting excited because this has been a goal of mine for quite some time and I'm wanting it to come together and want it to be as effective as possible and everyone here is being incredibly helpful in the process as well.. Again, I really do appreciate all the help you all are giving me. You truly have no idea how much it helps me out for my planning.