Help - Strange drying and browning of fan leaves (pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey all-
First grow newbie. Looks like i have a bit of a problem... but not sure what it is. My lower fan leaves and big fan leaves are dry and are browning. Same deal on both plants. One is a bag seed the other is a BC Chronic. Ph is kept between 5.5-6 using GH Hydro Nutes on seedling feeding schedule. Temps around 80F, Humidity- 40%. Distilled H20. Plants are under 4 CFL's 6500K with domes. My bubbleponics tank is 1.5 gal. I mist them a couple times a day with distilled H2O. Im hoping these will be my moms. All the new growth looks great... and there is lots of it. In the begining of my grow, I stressed the plants with the lights too close. Since backing it away... they have been growing great... but i have some dank looking leaves. Any thoughts???



Well-Known Member
Ohhh BTW... these babies are about 3 1/2 weeks old. Attached is a pic of when I toasted them under the lamps. This picture was taken about 16 days ago.



Active Member
I'm on my third grow and have had identical problems at about the same stage of growth--usually on only one or two out of six or eight plants. Never found out the problem but all of the plants did very well after this phase. Sounds like you have good nutes, pH, water, and temps. There's not much more you can do. As long as you have healthy new growth, I wouldn't sweat it too much. (Easy to say when it's not your babies.)


Well-Known Member
well looks like there has been some good growth in 2 weeks-but I would venture to say that your ppm's are just too high for them, i.e. nute burn.
is this a DWC setup? make sure if you have sufficienct root length that if they r in rockwool cubes that the rockwool cubes stay dry. I would flush that res and use about 1/4 - 1/3 rd nute mix u were using before. I would stop misting them as they dont need it and would lose the dome as well-at this stage in ther life they need more attention paid to proper air exchange than humidity 4% is fine. you can mist them one or two times if you drop the dome.
follow and they should pick up.
good luck


Well-Known Member
try bumping your humidity up to like 60-70.. my ladies got some shit goin on that looks alot like yours. i moved my light farther away and they started to perk up a lil bit. but when i raised the humidity a bit they were fine.....


Active Member
ALL POSTS ARE WAY OFF... Its a magnesium deficiency. Not nutes and humidity. Nutes would burn the tips, this is the inner leaf burning in spots. Magnesium or epsom salts will fix. just a small teaspoon every few gallons of water, just once. Should go away.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the replys... I will try the epsom salts.. Ill pick some up tomorrow... How much would you add to 1.5 gallon reservoir? I will try to raise the humidity a bit... maybe some open water. I have massive root growth and they look good. (Small bubbleponic system). My reservoir is only 1.5 gallons. This is my first grow attempt and Im trying to get 2 moms established and then clone and grow in larger reservoirs. I do find that I have to lower my PH every 2 days or so with PH down. Just a couple of drops. My new growth is coming on fast and furious. I can almost watch them grow! Stems are very thick... and as you can tell from the pics... the babies are short. Crossing my fingers.

Brick Top

New Member
ALL POSTS ARE WAY OFF... Its a magnesium deficiency. Not nutes and humidity. Nutes would burn the tips, this is the inner leaf burning in spots. Magnesium or epsom salts will fix. just a small teaspoon every few gallons of water, just once. Should go away.

You are most likely correct as long as there are no other symptoms that were not mentioned. If there is any reddish coloration in his stems it could be a potassium deficiency since that will cause, usually in the tallest plants that appear to be most vigorous, to develop necrotic spots form on lower leaves. If he has reddish stems that was not mentioned or that soon show up it would then be a potassium deficiency. The leaves will spot and then appear pale or yellow. The fix would be to add chemical fertilizer containing K.

Since no mention of reddish stems was made I tend to believe your diagnosis to be correct but if he missed reddish stems or failed to mention it then what was said above would likely apply and either be the problem of one problem that could possibly be combined with the magnesium deficiency you mentioned. Again though that is somewhat unlikely to be the case.

The only thing that does not fit with it being a magnesium deficiency is that the leaf blades tend to die and curl upward and that has not happened but that of course could be explained by it not being that advanced of a case to date.



Well-Known Member
doesnt resemble an mg deficiency yet in my eyes, but very well could be the start. and in this case it would be from lockout, not from not having enough available (given their age) but still, I would bet anything your ppms are over 750 and thus nute burn, lockout of mg if is does exist. adding epsom salts will increase your ec and worsen your condition if it is overnutes. dont tell me you r running hydro with no ppm meter?

read this for a better understanding of plant metabolism and things that upset it:


Well-Known Member
Hi All... Attached are some pics of my stems. They do have a reddish cast to them. What do you think? I don't have a PPM meter yet... I will order one... Went to Lowes the other night hoping to get one there... someone here told me they have cheap ones... but my Lowes doesn't have them. My nutes should be on the low side... im using less than what is on the General Hydroponics seedling schedule. I will have to test it to be sure. The leaves never appear yellow... they appear as if they are drying out... then the spots show up.. and the final result is the lower leaves in the pics above... pretty much dead. Everything new looks tasty... see these new pics. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
red stems can just be a genetic trait-unlikely p deficiency at this age. it may very well be an mg problem. when was the last time you changed out your res? never hear of lowes selling ppm meters. check out ebay-they have good stuff


Well-Known Member
OK.... im going to try adding the Mg. What would you suggest I add? and how much?? I drained my res. 4 days ago with distilled H20. Ordering the PPM meter today.


Well-Known Member
Hey All...
I bought the Epsom Salts... How much would you add per gallon?? My lil problem seems to be getting worse. It starts out with the leaf looking and feeling very dry, then the tan/brown spots appear... then death to said leaf. But my new growth looks good. Thoughts??? Is this just a Mg problem?? General Hydro Nuts has Mg in it... and im following the seedling schedule... actually a little bit under on the nutes. Dang!