Help! Spider mites at 7 1/2 weeks, harvest now or wait it out?


Active Member
Ok, this sucks. I've got spider mites on my plants at 7 1/2 weeks of flowering. I take it there isn't really any product that is going to be 100% safe to use at this point. The buds are almost all orange hairs now, but no orange trichs yet. How much damage are these critters going to do to my plants? Should I harvest now and get whatever I can, or wait it out and just pick off the webs when they show up?

This is very frustrating!


Well-Known Member
is it an infestation kinda situation ?
bcs if it isnt then just let the fuckers be, i had some on my plants before 1 week before harvest, theyr really small lol trust me you wont taste them. just be carefull if they kill leafs of the rip the leafs off incase of rot,

They only do big damage in veg or early flowering bcs its drains the plants energy, but your buds are only maturing.


Active Member
all of the leaves are browning at the tips really bad. I figured this was because I had burned the with nutes and having the light a little too close earlier in the cycle. What are the signs of an infestation?


Active Member
Neem oil is totally safe as long as you don't use it a few days before harvesting. Just spray the plants down with water after the mites are gone.


Well-Known Member
I just went through a mite situation and got them with the neems. You have to remember that neems is an interrupter and isn't an insecticide so it just makes them stop breeding, eating,etc.. and yes you can use neems up until a couple days before the harvest. I tried to get the plants up high so that I could spray the under side of the leaves. But you have to keep spraying like every week. Then I would spray them with water before you harvest. They can get pretty freaking nasty so I would make sure you clean your grow room and everything in it before you start a new grow or they will get you then too. Some people just spray neems the whole grow as to not get them started at all.


Well-Known Member
If you're almost done all you'll accomplish by spraying now is to make your bud smell and taste like bug spray.

Just ignore them for now, once your bud is out of there then attack with poison spray for the next batch and foggers for the area a couple times.


Well-Known Member
You could get some "Zero Tolerance". It is 100% natural, made of pure food-grade ingredients and it smells nice! You can use it up to 3 days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Dont crop early, that would be such a shame to have all that work ruined with an early harvest. Go to your local nursury and buy a box of ladybugs. Problem solved. Once they run out of food (the mites) they will die off. Its great to keep some in your grow room, if they happen to get out of control (wont happen unless they get a constant supply of food like spider mites) Then get a couple preying mantis to control the ladybugs.

Why use chemicals, ladybugs will munch every little mite in there.

Although if time is a concern, Neemoil or Einsteinoil are the best, 100% safe to use products.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you put a drop of dish soap in with the neems too. But be careful on that because some of them have shit in them you don't want. The best results I've ever had is to keep them out to begin with. I personally along time ago used some serious bug killer on them and then when I got the buds, they were nice but it was almost like an acid trip and ended up giving the whole grow to a friend, I hated it. I used the PCO fogger when I moved some outdoor plants in and I fogged them and all that happened was there was chrysanthemum dust all over them so I won't do that again either, it was a mess and a half. So I will keep your idea in mind for the next time. ( hopefully not)