HELP - room's overhead CFL left on all night in flower area

I have plants at a variety of stages and (all in flower here - some real close) and I just found out that last night as I tended my plants, I forgot to turn off the overheard room light (not the grow lights). I think I will just tape it shut. Now, though, I am extremely worried that I have really thrown a monkey wrench into my op. It is about two hundred watts of CFL and at about four to seven feet from most plants. It looked pretty darn bright when I saw it. I remembered to check it (thought I might have done that) about eight hours after the grow lamps went off so it did not get turned off until about four hours before the HID lighting is supposed to kick back on. Should I leave it off for twenty-four hours? Should I put it in a thirteen hour dark cycle until I catch up to the hours I like to use to manage my heat, switching back to twelve when it comes full circle? That would mean spending some days for a while tending my plants starting in the middle of the night and I would rather avoid that. I hope to get some advice before my lights kick on so I can find out if I should even let them. Thanks!