Help Quickly


I threw a handful of seeds into some potting soil to see what would happen & a wk ago I saw stems lifting the soil up. Its nearly 30 some odd plants that are all bunched in together & now have concerns of seperating them to distinguish my male from females in soon to come wks. and fear that removing them may cause them to go into shock.....Looking for feed back on this!

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Phew, you got some work ahead of ya, a little patience will be tested here, take a look at my post for what I did with just 2 seeds that were planted in the same pot.

Just so ya know the smaller one that I transplanted is actually my strongest seedling right now. SAM_0066.jpgSAM_0067.jpg

The first pic is the smaller one that I transplanted, it is now twice the size of the other one which used to be twice the size of the one I transplanted. I don't think it causes any shock at all, best to get them in their own pots ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Get em soon and wear surgical gloves if you can, if not leave a little soil with em...lmao...reminds me of me not so long ago..:roll:


Well-Known Member
I threw a handful of seeds into some potting soil to see what would happen & a wk ago I saw stems lifting the soil up. Its nearly 30 some odd plants that are all bunched in together & now have concerns of seperating them to distinguish my male from females in soon to come wks. and fear that removing them may cause them to go into shock.....Looking for feed back on this!
This looks like an operation that was really well thought out. If you got 30 seedlings in a tangled mess then cut 29 down with scissors and hope for the best. Best advice is to take another handfull of 30 seeds, and plant one per pot, 30 pots total. Growing weed isn't hard but it takes a little more planning than this to have any chance of success.


New Member
dig down deep into the side of the pot, and pull the soil up like a crowbar. theyll come out without any harm. new age united, what you running, coco?
Wow... that's a lot of plants man. All in one pot :confused: My advise is to lossen the soil enough so that you can transfer each plant into individual pots or buy a seed starter kit. Save as many as you can.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
SAM_0065.jpgNo I'm running what I thought was pro mix, I think it is something similar but without perlite, lots of peat, can anyone imply here.


Goin to start trying to seperate first thing in the A.M,thank you guy & gals! I'm fairly new to the b otanicals of hemp


I have collected every seed i have come across for the last year ...2 kush seeds a purp seed & the rest from different variety of good mid I have gotten over the last 365

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Ya I wouldn't let them go much longer, tommorow for sure. It was $26.00 a bag which fills 30 1 gallon pots, tax included can $.


I did my separation earlier & so far everything looks to be okay,except the fact i had a lot more plants than i thought..
Unfortunately it looks like I'm gonna have to throw away 130 ladies due to lack of space and the fact of no one i know will keep them!


Well-Known Member
So you are throwing out 130 known female plants? Epic lack of planning. Just have fun with it and keep it a hobby for now.


Well-Known Member
Dude dont throw them away! Are you crazy? Worst case scenario is stresses them male. at this young they cant have a big enough root ball for you to do any real damage by separating them. You wont kill them by transplanting, but you will kill them by throwing them away. Just separate as many plants as pots you have and plant the rest outside or something...jesus dont throw them away.


Not much of a chance to stress them male this early in the game I dont think. I had a similar situation. Use a trowel or something and get underneath all the roots lift them out carefully. Most the dirt will fall away and they will start o untangle themselves if they are not too old. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
having over 100 plants is bigtime problem man. thats instant lock up for like 5-40 years.