Help Quick BMO Ph Balance

I am growing with BMO grow it green 3 teaspoons per gallon and SPT 1 tablespoon per gallon. My water only (bottled water) ph is in between 6.4 and 6.6. Once I mix BMO nutes and let it sit for 24 hours the ph goes below 6.0. I am not sure how far below 6.0 because I am using a PH balance for fresh water tanks. I want to know if is normal for the PH to drop so much and if not how do I fix it without adding chemicals?

I watered them with the mixture for two days now without checking the PH after adding the nutes and plants are doing better than before.???? It does not make much sense to me but maybe thats the way it is.???

Any help would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Here is a chart for you to see what nutrients fall into or out of the ph you are at. How are you measuring it?

okay so i just tested the water from the plants and the ph is below 6.0 i am not sure how far below because the chart wont regester it that low.


Well-Known Member
i thought so too. with organic growing you can utilize the humic and fulvic acids to buffer the ph
That pH buffer system works, but it'll have a hard time doin' the work if it's having to even out after something with extreme pH is introduced.

I don't see why people are believing that pH up & down kill microbes, other than the fact any pH change kills at least some microbes (due to their specialized nature).

Whether you're using a pinch of pool pH stuff (soda ash and the like), or vinegar + lime to pH a solution it'll be a drastic change in pH that could kill microbes.

Granted, most stuff like EWC tea should stick within the safe range on it's own.


Well-Known Member
PicklesMyMan.... The pH of your water with GIG & SPT, mixed in, is fine.
When the micro-beasties in the SPT hit a ready food source (in this case your GIG). They multilpy and bio-convert (eat & shit out nutrients in smaller sizes - more easily absorbed by Mary). They do this by making enzymes (acid), all those fancy bottles of enzymes you see in the hydro stores are just the enzymes made by beneficial bacteria.
So, naturally in the begining your mixed up fertilizer & SPT will travel downwards in pH. After a short time, it bottoms out in the 5 range, then starts going back upwards.
Your soil, is the best pH buffer out there. No need to add in pH up or pH down products into your fertilizer mix. Just water in your fertilizer mix until you get a slight run off.
Then two days later, pour some plain water (pH known) through your soil and catch the runoff. Test it's pH. If between 6 and 7, no worries.
If below 6, simply topdress a alkaline amendment, like high P bat guano, or pulverized dolomite lime. Just a teaspoon total per pot. Always make adjustments in small increments.
The truth is, the micro-beasties in the soil, tend to self-regulate and level the soil back out in a few days. Provided you aren't consently dropping in very acidic ferts / amendments.
Most veg ferts tend to be acidic (low pH) most bloom ferts tend to be alkaline (high pH). Using small amounts of one, to balance out the other works well.
Feeding & Adjusting, should be don.... Low, Slow & Steady...... just like in nature, things can, do & should change over time......
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real....Organic...... cause chemicals are for cleaning your toilet.....


Well-Known Member
PicklesMyMan.... The pH of your water with GIG & SPT, mixed in, is fine.
When the micro-beasties in the SPT hit a ready food source (in this case your GIG). They multilpy and bio-convert (eat & shit out nutrients in smaller sizes - more easily absorbed by Mary). They do this by making enzymes (acid), all those fancy bottles of enzymes you see in the hydro stores are just the enzymes made by beneficial bacteria.
So, naturally in the begining your mixed up fertilizer & SPT will travel downwards in pH. After a short time, it bottoms out in the 5 range, then starts going back upwards.
Your soil, is the best pH buffer out there. No need to add in pH up or pH down products into your fertilizer mix. Just water in your fertilizer mix until you get a slight run off.
Then two days later, pour some plain water (pH known) through your soil and catch the runoff. Test it's pH. If between 6 and 7, no worries.
If below 6, simply topdress a alkaline amendment, like high P bat guano, or pulverized dolomite lime. Just a teaspoon total per pot. Always make adjustments in small increments.
The truth is, the micro-beasties in the soil, tend to self-regulate and level the soil back out in a few days. Provided you aren't consently dropping in very acidic ferts / amendments.
Most veg ferts tend to be acidic (low pH) most bloom ferts tend to be alkaline (high pH). Using small amounts of one, to balance out the other works well.
Feeding & Adjusting, should be don.... Low, Slow & Steady...... just like in nature, things can, do & should change over time......
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real....Organic...... cause chemicals are for cleaning your toilet.....
i added in some ash to help the ballance go back up and it worked was that a unnecessary thing to do? but that was a few days ago, i have just let the water with the ntues sit in a 1/2 gallon jug with little ash particles in it. Should i just mix up a new batch and throw the other stuff out?