Help Please!


New Member
Hello fellow growers! :)

This is my first time growing in a bubbleponic system and I've encounter some problems.:sad:
I'm into my first week since germination growing three dark devils, and a cotton candy.
Just yesterday did I realize that there is a white spot on the rock wool cubes near the tube bringing in the water. As well as white spots all over the hydro ton grow rock. Is this normal and if not how can I fix this before it gets worse?? Please and Thank you! Your help is very appreciated!

Here are some pictures showing what I am talking about[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]. As well as my set up.


New Member
I use the nutrients provided by stealth hydro
I have only used 1/3rd of a bag from both "grow" and "micro" bag

and will the salt build up harm the plants?


Well-Known Member
It could cause nute lock out, meaning your plant will not be able to take up the nutes, it's important to know the strength of you nutes (ppm's) get a TDS meter for future use, are you keeping track of you ph?


New Member
It could cause nute lock out, meaning your plant will not be able to take up the nutes, it's important to know the strength of you nutes (ppm's) get a TDS meter for future use, are you keeping track of you ph?
How can I prevent that?
And yes it's usally between 6.0- 6.5


Well-Known Member
I am new so take what I say with a grain of that salt you have on your rocks.
but I don't think your supposed to give any nutes for like 2 weeks of life.


Well-Known Member
By the looks of the pics it appears that you are doing hydro, if I'm right your ph should be at 5.8, you could flush to help remove the salts but it won't completely remove it, watching you ph and ppm's will help prevent build up, but from my experience there's always going to be some, I wouldn't worry too much abt it as long as your plants look healthy, I do hydro myself and always have some form of salt build up, but it doesn't seem to harm the plants that much.


New Member
The plants don't look like they are being harmed by the nutes though..
and alright.. so pretty much everything that is white is the salt (in the rocks and cubes)??


Well-Known Member
Those are the salts building up from your ferts, and this is normal. If it builds up rapidly, it might be the amount of nutes in your res, or simply the type of nutes you are using. Some don't work that well in hydro. One way or another you should flush your system with Flora Shield, or some similar product. When you change your res water, run it thru your system for a couple of hours, dump the water and refill with your nutes. You can even add to your regular water in low doses and use it all the time. The discoloration of the clay will not go away though, so just flush every couple of weeks and you will be good to go. Peace


Well-Known Member
If that is salt build up no older than those little seedlings are they could not have been in very long.
Some growers cover the top of their rock wook cubes covers to keep mold down.
I dont know if it mold or salt build up.If salt is building up that fast id change nute systems.
If you add 3 ml of h2o2 per gallon of water and add it every three days you will not get any kind of mold or mildew.The roots will love you for it too.
Or you could add ZONE by dutch masters. This is what i use it keeps everything sterile and clean and again..the roots love it.
If it is salt build up like some of us think . but because we cant see it or handle it that close we dont know for sure..
What we do know it is either salt build up or mold.
You are receiving good advice in the salt build up,Flush with clean water .Another thing you can do at res change outs is add a product called final flush. Many manufacture make a salt dissolving solution.Run it through and drain it back out then refill your res with clean fresh nutes.
Seriously is the nutes you are using are building up that much salt they will have to go.


New Member
Thanks for the help!!
I'm currently on a budget on my expenses(college student),
and by looking at my set up in what order would you guys categorize the priorities.. as in getting more lights/air pump with air stone( currently have one and i've read two is better)/buying the product to remove the salt or can i just use the h2o2 to remove it if its mold?
By any chance could it be since the seedlings are not matured enough to intake much nutes or plenty, the remaining nute stays on the rocks/cube causing it to increase in salt/mold??


New Member
Just today i checked up on the plants and they started turning yellow.. would this mean it is in a nute lock out (the picture)?
I checked and noticed that the ph was a bit high.. close to 7
by just adjusting the ph bring it back to taking in nutes again?


Well-Known Member
Realx already little brother.It is just a seedling . Go light and east on just got a start needs very little.A bottle of household H2o2 from the local drug store in a spray bottle spraying where the white spots are..if they fuzz up and go away you know it was a fungus if not it is a salt.Just let it do its thing.Just be easy on it.