Help <---- please :/


Well-Known Member
So i have little plants about 11 days from sprouted... they like 4 or so cm small.. They look a little yellow ish some of them..

Additional Info:

400w MH (Not burning about 30 cm away)
Not all plants look yellow just some and they have been treated the same
No nutrients have been added.
I watered 3 days ago well after transplanting them into 5litre bags and then left them for 3 days to properly dry out before watering them again 5min ago.. So not overwatering..

Temps in the room are good and water im feeding them with is spring water or bottled water...

What could it be from (the transplant?) dont see why they would go lime green/yellow ish.. and some of them are the normal green colour.. will upload a pic.. they still lank small tho so pic may not be as great. :shock:


Well-Known Member
didnt water them for 3 days after the transplant.. theyv been under that light for a while :p dont want them stretching but will move it up shot man


Active Member
I don't mind some stretch as such a young age, let em stretch a ittle the super crop em and they will bush up nicely.


Well-Known Member
supercrop? sorry only ever grown once outdoor and didnt prune or anything just let that bunch grow natural.. but yea will let em stretch out a bit. Thanks for the advice


Active Member
supercrop? sorry only ever grown once outdoor and didnt prune or anything just let that bunch grow natural.. but yea will let em stretch out a bit. Thanks for the advice
Watch a few vids, do a bit of reading, this is one of the best and easiest tools / techniques to bring your plants on.
