HELP please!


Well-Known Member
i just transplanted my two babies into bigger pots. now there starting to wilt! i use alot of water after i transplanted them what else can i do to try and save them?!?!?! any help is really appreciated. thanks


Well-Known Member
to MUCH water will wilt your plants, espicially if to much heat is also involved, pot plants dont really like to be completely soaked all the time, ive found dryer is normally better for growth to, the roots prolly took a lil shock being moved around also, give it a couple days and they will probably perk back up. what kind of light are you using?


Active Member
after transplanting i always water tons, as long as it can drain too much water in this case shouldnt be a problem (as long as you're not watering like this all the time).
the plants are probably just a little shocked from the move, but should be ok as long as you didnt disturb the roots too much.
good luck


Well-Known Member
im really not sure about the lite. i took it off the side of my dads office. its a huge spotlite its only 150watts. i would guess mh i know its not hps. no i dont water them this much. but there already starting to perk up atleast i hope so