Help please


Well-Known Member
For about the last month I have not been able to eat unless I smoke. Even if I take a couple bites of pizza I feel sick. I was just wondering if anyone has had the same problem and wanted to know how you fixed it. Thanks


Well-Known Member
that could be from smoking to much to the point where you are only high when you when you arent high your appetite is totally gone


Well-Known Member
yea man i used to be the same way. I SMOKE EVERYDAY and not untill recently ive been able to eat without being high.your prolly like 19 huh? i used to worry bout it to.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right I'm 18. I just tried stopping for a few days and I still couldn't eat so I packed a bowl and right away had the sudden urge for some cereal. I'm just going to cut down on how much I smoke a day. That's seemed to work for the last 2 days.