HELP! Plant looking Really bad......


Active Member
ok so here the deal this is a blueberry strain which was grown from clone the plant is about 3 months old (the person who cloned it took it from a flowering plant.) after I nursed this plant back to life for 2 months.. anyhow

Runoff ph 6-6.5
Fed, AN Micro-Grow-Bloom (only fed 1/2 str neuts.)(water/feed/water/feed)
14" away from the 400W HPS
soilless mix (BUT NO DOLAMITE LIME ADDED(Big mistake I know now..)

Any other questions please feel free to ask.. Any help Will be Greatly appreciated.



Active Member
cant flush till the lights come on in... 7 hours...

what should i do after the flush?
or is there anything i can do in the meanwhile?


Well-Known Member
usually with AN products in soiless you have to add 200ppm of SENSI CAL/MAG.

This info came from the guys at AN when i was considering using their product line.

the only thing you should do now is wait then flush then feed 1/4 strength wait 7 days to see signs of improvement if you have no signs or it gets worse get some CAL/MAG .



Active Member
ok the plant has been flushed PH was lower then i thought around 5.5 flushed 4 days ago untill runoff read 6.3
fed with 1/4str as jondamon suggested.
and the problem is getting MUCH MUCH WORSE.
day25 002.jpgday25 008.jpgday25 005.jpg

sir rance alot

Active Member
You MUST consider the ph of what you are putting in.....For instance, if your soil ph was 8 or 9..... you dont just dump water with a ph of 2 or 3 to make the runoff meet your ph range...That would be insane..
Dramatic ph changes like that will either force them to go hermie or shock them to the point of death. If your runnoff is ph high, just go a little lower with your water ph. instead of 6.8 ph go down to 6.5 or 6.4. If your runoof is still too high then you havent watered enough to make a difference. If your going for a ph change you need to water to the point off extreme runoff. And you must do it slowly over time.. You cant change your ph in one watering. DONT do anything drastic. They will be fine for a couple more weeks..
There are so many variables....You could have a hard water problem, you could have ph lockout, or a thousand other issues we dont know about... Start with the basics...IMO, i would get a few gallons of distilled water from the market, it usually has a tds of 10 or less.. Then I would get fertilzers that are less cumbersome to work with such as Schultz or Peters... in the range of 10-15-10 or 20-20-20... I know it doesnt sound fancy or high tech like the other brands, but it will work. Also, I would use a 1/4 teaspoon of Superthrive to assist with the stress your plants are seeing now..


Active Member
Also, if you are in flowering mode.....ease back on nitrogen just a little...Your girls kinda look like nute burn going on..
i assume you did not see my post saying i had just flushed. It is not nute burn. the plant was only fed 1/2 str ferts throughout its life and was dropped to 1/4str after the flush NUTE BURN IT IS NOT.

i flush with tap water.
my tap is 50 ppm with a ph of 6.9
she is 24 days into flower.
She has been fed the exact same solution as the others she is with and they are thriving very well.

Jmayne Chronic

Well-Known Member
hmmmm honestly if you coulda caught it sooner i wouldve suggested you simply prune, but now that its the entire plant..........not nute burn.........heat is a possible issue.....possibly not enough humidity.....really id just flushem out with ph neutral water, clench everything and hope for the best