HELP! outdoor growing during winter

Active Member
hello everybody im sam from greece and new with growing
first time was indoor but im not doing it again cause the electricity bill came like 280 euros in 2 months so im not gonna do that again, anyway i was thinking if it would be possible in any way to grow weed outdoors during winter???? without using artifitial light... i thought of a greenhouse but im not shure so thats why im here asking u!!!

ps in the place i live in winter time the temp. does go under 3 degrees celsius

thnx, merryxmas!!!


Well-Known Member
my bad looked on your tourism site

Mainland Weather: Cold, rain, snow in the mountains, some fair days.
Island Weather: Cold and windy (though often sunny larger islands such as Crete and Rhodes and the west coast Ionians fare best.

you could always veg cfls in doors and replant outdoors in spring?