Help, one leaf died on seedling?


New Member
As you can see in the picture, one of the leaves is darkened and a lot smaller. What does this mean? What did I do wrong, can I fix it? The plant is a female critical auto


New Member
The image doesn't seem to want to upload, and it wont let me post links or images.
I'll have to explain that one of the rounded leaves (when it first begins it has 2 jagged and 2 round) is significantly smaller and darker than the other, slightly drooping too.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's because of your post. If it's not. Download it to Anon images. Under the embed options. Use the BB code. Copy and paste it in your post. Go to advanced and make sure it took. Post the reply.

Edit: never mind. Now we need to see it with white light. You can see the true colors using a bright LED flashlight.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong there except the soil doesn't look all that great. Could have added some perlite to loosen it up a bit.

Those little cotyledon leaves are just there to feed the seedling until it can process nutrients from the soil and get on with growing it's true leaves which look fine so far. Not sure what size pot you have there but don't water until it dries out a bunch or your little plant starts to droop. Overwatering and too much TLC kills a lot more plants than neglect tho too much neglect isn't good either. The tap root under that plant is already about 4X as long as the plant is tall so don't fret when the top inch or two of the soil gets dry if the pot still has weight to it. As the soil dries it pulls in air that supplies the oxygen that is critical to a healthy root system and to your plants growth.

Good luck!


Active Member
dude break that dirt down shit looks clump as fuck lol. It's fine man. It'll die off. As long as your true leaves are good which they seem fine you shouldnt have issues.... in other words don't fret your good. But do break those clumps and chill out with the water for a bit...
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