
Active Member
I had to go on a business trip this past week and transplanted my flowering plants to my friends house. He has a perpetual harvest set up that in the past few days he has managed to get spider mites. Not from me though I am clean as a whistle... anyhow... I am about week 7 in flower and the spider mites are pretty damn bad. I trimmed off the majority of my fan leaves and blah blah blah...

My question is... is it same to use a bug bomb in a flowering room with flowering plants... or will it absorb into the flowers and make for some shitty weed... Any help quickly would be appreciated!!! as we are trying to get rid of these suckers asap!


Well-Known Member
Azomax. They have a little bottle for cheap. Keep everything off your nugs though. Don't let anyone kid you, anything that gets on your nugs is no good.


Active Member
Haha sorry this just sounds funny-

"He has a perpetual harvest set up that in the past few days he has managed to get spider mites. Not from me though I am clean as a whistle... anyhow..."

Did he get it from a toilet seat then? lmao


Active Member
Haha sorry this just sounds funny-

"He has a perpetual harvest set up that in the past few days he has managed to get spider mites. Not from me though I am clean as a whistle... anyhow..."

Did he get it from a toilet seat then? lmao

I meant my plants were clean. I have never had spider mites. I know he recently got some clones which is what we have found to be the cause of the spider mites.... fuck... thanks guys I think i know what I am going to do now.
do not spray with any chem based bug control use lady bugs and they will eat all spidermites in around 48hours however you still have to remove all traces of the webs cause it will give you a pretty nasty headache..........