Help!! my timer let my lights stay on ....


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am nearly at the end of my grow, and I will be flushing as of tommoz, my problem is as follows! My crap B&Q Timer broke and allowed my lights to stay on for 24 hours! now at the top of my fat buds I have new veggy growth about an inch higher than the top of the main cola's will this effect my harvest, or the quality of my buds? or shall I just flush, harvest, dry/cure and then just prune the crappy new foliage off the tops of my ladies.

Ps/ I now have a new timer in there for the last 7 days so the plants will be under a strict 12/12 cycle, PLEASE HELP ME ASAP - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Or should I just trim off the new inch of veggy growth off the top of my buds now before I sart to flush??? - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Id just trim it personally dont see why you would want it there man, and get them back onto 12/12
So if I trim this growth off now it wont stress the plant out or have any adverse effects on the buds?

I have it back on 12/12 now! so fingers crossed it wont slow down her final days that much? - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
So if I trim this growth off now it wont stress the plant out or have any adverse effects on the buds?

I have it back on 12/12 now! so fingers crossed it wont slow down her final days that much? - STELTHY:leaf:
It can take weeks for your plant to go back into the flower cycle.

I constantly monitor all my timers,ph,ppm here at the house.

You have to make sure things are running smooth at all times.

So, you'll have to decide if you wanna go on or not.

If it was me, Id chop em down.


Well-Known Member
It can take weeks for your plant to go back into the flower cycle.

I constantly monitor all my timers,ph,ppm here at the house.

You have to make sure things are running smooth at all times.

So, you'll have to decide if you wanna go on or not.

If it was me, Id chop em down.
If I was to chop them now-ish, would I still be able to flush for upto a week 1st? and If I chose to wait for it to pick up in flower mode again would there be much extra growth or should I just flush n cut asap? - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
If I was to chop them now-ish, would I still be able to flush for upto a week 1st? and If I chose to wait for it to pick up in flower mode again would there be much extra growth or should I just flush n cut asap? - STELTHY:leaf:
Personally, I do not flush.

I let the buds dry fully til the stems snap, then I jar them up and cure em for a couple of weeks minimum.

This way the buds are smooth as can be.

A proper cure takes the bad stuff out of the bud.

IMHO, I always believed that flushing takes away yield.. Why starve your plant the last week or two? I could never understand why people did that.

If you dont cure your bud, then id flush.

My bud is like fine wine.. I dont smoke it before its time..Ya know.

Ive got some of the best tasting bud around.

I doubt your gonna get any extra bud growth, Maybe leaf growth. :neutral:

Good luck on your decision. ;-)


Don't chop them, don't trim the new growth, or get to freaked out by the one time lights on all day thing. It's no biggie, trust me. You'd have to leave the lights on for weeks to cause the plants to stop flowering and revert back to straight veg growth.
Or do weird out of sync, light cycles for a week plus (to cause hermmie issues or other problems).
Just resume your normal routine, and ease up on the nutes. Let the bigger fan leaves at the bottom of your plants start to fade (yellow up). That way you know there is no excess fertilizer in the plant tissues. The yellowing lower fan leaves let you know it's all been used up by the plant as it finishes.


Active Member
Personally, I do not flush.

I let the buds dry fully til the stems snap, then I jar them up and cure em for a couple of weeks minimum.

This way the buds are smooth as can be.

A proper cure takes the bad stuff out of the bud.

IMHO, I always believed that flushing takes away yield.. Why starve your plant the last week or two? I could never understand why people did that.

If you dont cure your bud, then id flush.

My bud is like fine wine.. I dont smoke it before its time..Ya know.

Ive got some of the best tasting bud around.

I doubt your gonna get any extra bud growth, Maybe leaf growth. :neutral:

Good luck on your decision. ;-)
I think not flushing is wrong, curing gets rid of chorophyll but not the metals/nutrients the plants feeds off.


Well-Known Member
I am in the understanding that if I flush, then dry, then cure in jars I will come out trumps with super smokeable buds, but my main concern lays with the question :- do I trim the new growth off the top of my buds, proceed to flushing? or leave the new growth on top until after I harvest then trim it? - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Ok so I trimmed off the top inch of new growth off of each cola, and put the lights back on to a strict 12/12 regime, I am starting flushing today and will flush for 7 - 10 days! before I chop her down to harvest, any and all thoughts welcome! many thanks - STELTHY