HELP!!!! my plants are completely yellow 6ft.


Yeah its a bitch. Oh well should get a few oz off it ill keep wyas. informed though.
And I was pretty sure other plants rejuvinate leaf

So should I cut all yellow leaves off or let them drain out if the leaves up top stay green it should be moderate loss but still something.


Are they dead yet bro or close to it? doubt you will get 'a few ounces'.
Yeah don't look like they gonna make it, pulled the plug on 2 that were in intensive care, hopefully now the others will
Get a bit more nutes n sun. dunno might get an oz or 2 outa the 4 left but not
If they keep goin down hill.
Its a damn shame too I snapped a branch when iwas out there so I bring it back and 1/2
Dryed it in drawer (then ran out) :( so hit the oven now don't get me wrong I HATE green that's
Been ryed shit but Fuck me it was dynamite can only imagine wat it'd be like cured and grown out.
Heartbreakin. ill pop out again in a few days I got some canna terra flora so I might givem some of that
Ill take a couple more unhappy snaps too.
Thanks for following fellas.
Hope ya having better luck than I am.