HELP! my babies have skin cancer! (among other problems) PICS


Well-Known Member
Please tell me what you think is going wrong.
I simply use rockwool cubes placed individually on a glass plate. Water every few days. leave no standing water.
I used a little bit of tap water last week but it was distilled before that and distilled now. I let the tap sit out for a few days ( as i read recommended to let things some bad things evaporate out)
whats up with the leaves being wavy and curling up? (see pic)
whats up with brown spots?
it appears the effected plants are dying from the bottom up.

Also I let my buddy have some of my fox farm nutes (big bloom grow big tiger bloom) while i was in the middle of a move for a month or so. He grows in less than poor conditions. Ive seen mold in his grow room. Could my foxfarm solutions be contaminated? because I feed the ~20 day old plants some....then this happened shortly after.



Well-Known Member
No help? Things have gotten worse. Ive lost one or 2 due to what appears to be lack of water or heat stress. which is weird because i keep them watered and the temps are fine.
help plz


Well-Known Member
first pic looks like nute burn, second is classic ph twisting, and third looks like either a severe potassium deficiency or bad nute burn.