help me pleaseeeeee

Im kinda worried about transfering my plant into a bigger pot because I've tried it without a plant and the soil just broke up and went everywhere.. any tips?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
The roots will hold the soil together. Do it when you would normally water and it should slide out pretty easily. Transplant and water thouroughly.


Well-Known Member
As long as there's plenty of roots it should hold itself together. If it crumbles into a million pieces then clearly it wasn't ready to transplant. As far as watering, it's easier to transplant when the soil is dry, not wet. When it's dry, the soil has pulled away from the sides of the pot and the root ball will slide out easier. Once the plant is in it's new home, THEN water it real good.


Active Member
Stomata it may be easier when the soil is dry, but it is better for cannabis and most other plants to water the plant prior to transplanting then water the new container throughly. the plant in the small container absorbs water differently than the soil in the new pot. If the root ball is dry water may run around the outside and not soak in once transplanted. if you are concerned about stress you can add suprethrive or B-vitamins to help prevent shock, but it shouldn't be necessary. cannabis is a tougher plant than it gets credit for, just dont abuse it and you will be fine.
Hey if anyone knows about this I can barely see the first set of pointy leabves coming in and I can already see yellowish coloring on the tips of them. Is this something I should worry about?


Well-Known Member
Hey if anyone knows about this I can barely see the first set of pointy leabves coming in and I can already see yellowish coloring on the tips of them. Is this something I should worry about?
There are so many videos on you can learn every thing.Share the information its whats keeps us medicated.