HELP ME PLEASE!!..some kind of deficiency..IDK

2012-02-17 18.16.52.jpg2012-02-17 18.17.01.jpg2012-02-17 18.17.10.jpg2012-02-17 18.17.23.jpg2012-02-17 18.18.03.jpg2012-02-17 18.18.22.jpg
  • Two Strains Same problem(s)
  • DWC
  • Battery Acid as pH down..baking soda pH up
  • Those brown spots appeared as small dots in the beggining then spread out.
  • They were started in jiffy peat pellets then when the roots made it out they were pout in the dwc.
  • I do not have rockwool, or any kind of supplies where i live. I was lucky enough to find some fertilizers and those jiffy things.
  • I have MAJOR pH fluctuations...tried to buffer the solution but still no hope.
  • Both Strains are 3 weeks old from seed.
  • First 4 pics are the Violator Kush (barney's). Last two are the Church (greenhouse).
  • Slow growth, and it appears that the problem is getting worse BUT the roots are white and healthy.
  • The brown spots did not start from the tips first...on the VK it started from the middle of the leafs


Well-Known Member
Baking Soda is a bad idea as a pH adjuster, it will cause all sort of issues. Especially since it sounds like you have been using a lot of it chasing your pH. The sodium it contains can cause all sorts of lock out issues, namely Calcium and Magnesium. And without the proper balance of those two pretty much everything else the plant needs is at least inhibited. And the biggest def I see is Cal and Mag which is also leading to P lacking, grey, dying older leaf ends. I would get some proper pH adjusters and flush the res and start over....
my PH changes like crazy .. when i set up PH about 5.7 after 24 hours it become 7.8

the fertilizer am using is (Compo) its German and it has 0.7 sulfur micronutrirnts !!


Well-Known Member
Sure looks and sounds like the PH is uncontrolled as you pointed out.
It may be a pain in the ass but strip the setup down clean and start over fresh.

What type of water are you using? RO, city, well, softened?? What is the PH of water before yo
add anything?

3 weeks old? when did you start nutes? and at what strength?
filtered drinking water. comes in those 20L bottles.

the pH of the water is 7.1

its 3.5 weeks old now i started nutes at 150 ppm at the end of week i bumped it up to 250...BUT those problems appeared before i started nutes