help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
1st keep an eye on temps in "baby station" they could get real hot too hot for plants.
2nd the nutes u are using for the current plants dont look too "friendly" if they are the ones from the pic with your setup next to the CFL box. Might be too hot, so I dont know if you gave full dose when you nuted or 1/2 or 1/4 etc. but may have been too hot. Other than that I was going to recommend cutting off both yellow leaves anyway cause once they turn yellow and dry up they do no good and dont get energy to the rest of the plant anyway yet the plant tries to send energy to the leaves to revive them which ends up being a waste. So cut the other if its not fallen off yet.
As far as nuting Id make sure you have/can afford to get the right stuff b4 Im gonna recommend using any.
6.8 is good on PH I wanna know more about your nutes now.

For Molasses a tea/tbl spoon per gallon is good.


Well-Known Member
these are the nutes i have
i havent gave the plants much at all
i only gave these 2 plants food like maybe 3 times thier hole life
hopefully u could see the pics ok
the 1 in the bag is a 9-9-6
and the 1 in the bottle is 10-54-10
and its like if i could remember right i gave them 1 time i gave them a little of each one at the same time and the other times i just gave the plants the 1 in the bag only the 1 in the bag is lke little rocks and the 1 in the bottle in the kind u mix with water.
both plants are looking worse today yesterday i took off the yellow leafs now the bottom leafs on both ar yellowing again and drooping and i know the soil aint super wet anymore either so why the droop
i didnt know at the time but i should of put hydrogen poroxide in with the water to help give some air to the roots
any help would be great dont want to lose them
anymore info just ask me please



Well-Known Member
look back through your posts... around the 21st is when u fed them...and when problems started to get worse. Neither one of those is friendly to M J plants at least not at recommended strength... I wouldnt use em at all myself too high in nitrogen for my liking. and one waaay to high in Phos. like I said for example mine is 2-15-15 liquid chemical. The granual kind is hard to determine how much is getting to the roots so I dont use it.


Well-Known Member
well i dont know if they are going to make it they look worse
and the only other kind of food i have is marical grow food and thats a 15-30-15
even the sprout i have that came out th other day looks like the tips of a leaf looks greyish so im takeing both sprouts i have and doing hole fresh soil so i know there is no nutes or anything in them and ph water too
i want to do the same with the other 2 bigger plants but i dont have enough soil till wensday
i dont know what to do



Well-Known Member
I got some good advice awhile back from someone who told me that it was my first grow and im a rookie at this so when you get a bunch of advice and read everyones post how they are adding nutes, topping, lst, blah blah blah, you end up confusing yourself and doing too much. Just keep the grow simple doing as little as possible. My plants are doing pretty well and I just pretty much give them water, light, and air. I cant really tell you whats wrong I think youve gone over my head lol but when you do solve the problem try simplifying!! good luck bro


Well-Known Member
well i changed 1 seedlinng just now im about to do the same with the other and when i changed it to the new soil i gave it a mix of water and hrdrogen proxide so it will help with the air for the roots.i didnt give it alot. but now i know everything is clean
i cleaned the pot with hot water and scrubed it so thats clean too.and i used ph water that i tested if the big ones die ill have the sprouts to makeand more then enough light for going to try to get some money from my mom and walk a good distance and get some more soil and replant the 2 big ones too.
u guys think that would help?


Well-Known Member
LOW was saying the nutes i have was or is too high in stuff whats a good nute number i should get?


Well-Known Member
thanks dewey
i just came back from the plant store
i got some schultz plant food its 10-15-10
hopefully thats ok food to give when ready
the store said it was
it says just 7 drops (1/8 teaspoon) per quart of water everytime u water
so if i had a gallon of ph water how much do i put in that gallon for everytime feeding?
and i got some more pots and some more soil
this time i got some fafard potting mix it has (derived from peat,forest products or compost),sphagnum peat moss,horticultural perlite,horticultural vermiclite and wetting agent.
it says fertilizer recommendation:fertilize 2 weeks after potting,following the directions on the fertilizer label.
what do u guyss think about that?
when should i feed i thought around after like 3 weeks or so?


Well-Known Member
4 quarts in a gallon
1/8 x 4q = 1/2 teaspoon per gallon
but use like 1/4 teaspoon per gallon for the 1st couple feedings and work your way up to 1/2
id feed it once a week starting in a few weeks


Well-Known Member
ok i change the soil for the smaller plant with ph water
for that plant when should i feed it sence the prob and sence i changed the soiland pot cuase of wetness and stuff i went all the way down to the roots took everything off the root and diped it in water too to make sure that stuff was off then i put it in the new soil
no nutes in there
and the bigger plant i justed cut it and trying to make a clone out of it
i cut it the 45 angle and put some of that rootzone horemone on the end and i even droped a little bit in the hole of the new soil too the put it in the new soil now its in my new baby station im going to make a plastic dome thing to go over it so it gets that humidity it likes.
and when i feed the plants with that new stuff i got i just pour enough of that mixed inn the water till some drops come out the bottom of the pot right?


Well-Known Member
well i think the small one aint going to make it all the leafs around the out sides of all of them are turning yellowish
i dont know what to do
will feeding them help them sence i changed to new soil?
it seems like the plants were doing better in the marical grow i dont know anymore
i hope this dont happen to the sprouts
im just going to have to grow small plants and flower them before something goes wrong


Well-Known Member
no i have the right 1 now that was awhile ago when i have that one
i have 4 daylight ones now 6500k


Well-Known Member
Clowdy you fucked this plant up from the start but....I am also a rookie only to indoor....and i have read many threads where a shit plant came out looking like some high grade shit, Anyways ive been reading this thread and it looks like your well on your way to getting all the supplies by the way my nutes are 10 10 10 20.....Anyways i just wanted to say your on the right track, Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
thanks and ya i did fuck it up i guess
whats 10-10-10-20?
im just trying to figure out sence i had the problem with the small plant and i flushed it and now i changed the soil to new soil when should i feed it or should i i dont want it to get worsei got that new food its 10-15-10 woundering if this is better and when or should i feed it?


Well-Known Member
I MG from walmart i don't give a shit what ppl say when they see thats its mg....I had 3-4 guys tell me last night that it was fine to use on my plants...give it a shot buddy...i put it on the attched last night....just jumped up when uploading pix to hit bowl noticed on my other two that i had a cfl drop and lost one plant it burnt it to ....death



Active Member
clowdy..i kinda have small grow op like 3 cliplamps..u can get em at homedepot..there 6 bucks a piece..what it is is the fixture with the reflector thingy on em for like construction and whatnot..grab a few of those and a bunch of 100w equiv CFLs daylight 5600-6500k..hang e m on chains above the plants so u can easily hcange the height withuot them falling on the plants..also throw a fan in there that oscillates and itl strengthen up the stems

get these..(pix below)



Well-Known Member
Got to give you a little credit for haveing ago at least there are plants there little leggy but?If cost is a problem then all i use for my clones and i have even housed a mother in this room before i built the rooms i have now.I have a small cuboard i put white reflective sheeting all around floor has well get that light bounceing around your room.Buy 4 light fittings the ones to highlight a picture down lighters.get some nice cable the industrial stuff instructions re on back of down lighters put 2 on each side of the cuboard and your away the bulbs that i use are the low energy ones 150 on each side each one i was useing was 75 watt i still use this for clones they love it in there mate they give off hardly any heat so your plants can be put realy near to your lighting.Get a propagating box keep well misted up and your babys will be happy has can buy a hydrophonic system with a 250watt hps light and everything you will need apart from the plants and you have them for £100 get at least 4 plants in this system and should get a decent yeild everyone starts from the bottom mate just don't get bogged down with the growers who are full of there own importance.take it easy happy growing in the new year