Help me identify this unknown chemical!


Active Member
I just received a chemical from a vendor that was labeled as MDAI. It was a fine white powder, so that was my first clue that this was not MDAI.

Here are the Reagant test results:

Mecke- brownish green, no fizzing

Marquis- green to orange

Simon- no reaction

Anyone have any ideas as to what this chemical could be?


Well-Known Member

It looks like Shera's Labia but it could be some Snatch Twatter. It's tough to tell.

Then again, maybe it's Sly and the Family Stoned.

helpful huh?


Well-Known Member
MDAI is currently available as a research chemical and comes in brown MDAI powder or white MDAI powder.
Both these forms can be described as crystal like, fine, sparkly, and have a faint smell similar to iodine.


Active Member
I have mdai from a different source. This is certainly different. How does mxe test?