Help me- Help FDD

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Well-Known Member
Hello Everybody!
I am ,as you call me, "Mrs FDD". I wanted to come on and thank everyone for their amazing donations, and their kind words , wishes and prayers. He is so lucky to have so many wonderful people who care so much about him.
In a nutshell he is in trouble for thinking of other people before himself. Hence where we are now.
I recently (5/3/12) read thru the "help me help fdd" thread. I had avoided it for obviously a very long time, thinking that there may be a lot of hurtful things written there, I apologize to everyone for thinking this and feel pretty bad for assuming . What I saw were a lot of people who really care , and even the ones who don't really "get along" with him, wishing him to be home with his family. This is a great injustice that has happened and horribly upsetting to me and his son.
I also read a couple of posts from someone stating that they knew for a FACT that FDD has over 10k worth of fishing lures,some worth over $300 . This is a horrible lie. This person also stated other stuff that is also untrue. I did notice no one really paid attention to these posts, but my biggest pet peeve is liars. I am a very STRONG believer in the truth, and when I see someone blatantly lying it makes me a bit crazy. This person who had friended me on Facebook has since un-friended me and blocked me. (after confronting him) What a shame.
I know some people are wondering how we could have been unprepared for this . First of all you just don't see something of this magnitude coming and ripping your family apart. He has spent a lot of $ helping maintain my mom's house, which needs constant maintenance.
FDD has so far missed our son's b-day and easter. Next year our boy will graduate from high school, if he is unable to attend the graduation it will be devastating.
Keep thinking positive thoughts for him . We need him home . Thank You Again for ALL your support.
Hi Mrs FDD, When I joined the 1st thread I read through was this one and I don't need to have interacted with him, no one deserves to be locked up for this and for sure no one's family deserves what is happening to you ever! I believe we live in the same town, I am very cash poor at the moment but if you need anything that I could help with please let me know. My heart and mind has been dwelling on this horrible incident for a month now and I only hope for the same respect if such happens to me and my loved ones.
My grow mentor was on the run up in Humboldt when I met him for getting popped with a P in AZ under very similiar circumstances. Dude begged him for a year straight so everyone please keep this fact in mind.


Well-Known Member
Tell Dave that the glass community misses him, as well. We all wish him well. He was my inspiration to begin glassblowing.


This sort of thing makes my blood boil. It's a strange world we live in when a man is treated like a rapist for cultivating and selling herbs. I don't know ffd, never spoke to the guy, enjoyed his glass blowing stuff though. To hell with the government, I was born free and entitled to use what grows naturally from the ground in any way I see fit. No man should be denied that basic privilege, let alone criminalized for it. Insane governments and laws, fuck it all I say. Off the grid we should all go. All the best ffd and family.


Well-Known Member
Please pass my regards and well wishes onto FDD. Our thoughts are with him and you guys in this difficult time!


Well-Known Member
Fdd has a Bond Hearing on Thursday, so they will find out if the pigs are going to let him go home then. From what I understand, the federal probation dept does not want to release him, so it is going to be argued on Thursday. His sentencing is on July 31.


Well-Known Member
Fdd has a Bond Hearing on Thursday, so they will find out if the pigs are going to let him go home then. From what I understand, the federal probation dept does not want to release him, so it is going to be argued on Thursday. His sentencing is on July 31.
Of course the probation dept doesn't want him to go home! Those bastards! I hope he gets to go home and see his family. He really deserves to see them.



Well-Known Member
Any Word? How can these thugs sleep at night? I wish we could all somehow show up in support July 31st. Damn this is wrong. Did not know the dude. It boils my blood almost like the UCSD student but damn that poor kid got to go freakin home.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Not me but I am surprised FDD gave into them. thats a small town known for being a good distribution area and always under fed watch and Illinois does not give light charges even on MJ. Its small enough to everyone knows whats everyone is doing so this younger ones probably bragged or told then a friend got popped on some petty ish and told on the others who pulled the west coast in. I feel bad for FDD even though I didnt think much of him after he got mad with mod powers but at same time he should have known better he is smarter then that I thought but its not a good situation for him. They will puh for every name he knows and if he doesn't smile and give it to them, they will go hard at


Well-Known Member
Fdd has a Bond Hearing on Thursday, so they will find out if the pigs are going to let him go home then. From what I understand, the federal probation dept does not want to release him, so it is going to be argued on Thursday. His sentencing is on July 31.
So fucked up on so many levels. it's not like he killd anyone or is a danger to society. Let the man see his family.


Well-Known Member
How come we can't get a petition going that states our dissatisfaction with the way he's being treated?
Every one that signs it would be of voting age and gather gather! Do it on-line you telling me theres no one here that can do this??
This is a movement folks! I come from the 60-70s and we didn't have a INTERNET, play stations and mountain dew.
But the Politicans learned to listen!!


Well-Known Member
How come we can't get a petition going that states our dissatisfaction with the way he's being treated?
Every one that signs it would be of voting age and gather gather! Do it on-line you telling me theres no one here that can do this??
This is a movement folks! I come from the 60-70s and we didn't have a INTERNET, play stations and mountain dew.
But the Politicans learned to listen!!
Dear Judge Dickhead,

We, the undersigned, think that you are treating fdd unfairly and should release him.


All of his marijuana growing friends
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