Help me have a Happy new year with your quick drying tips


Active Member
First off I know I know this is not the recommended way to go but I would like a little bit of smoke for new years so please don't get to critical on me. My girls are pretty much done and are in the 2 week window so I took some small clippings and am looking for some ways to quick dry it and cure it as best as I can in 2 weeks before new years. I really did take just a tiny bit and will properly wait and cure the rest of it after the new year but I would like to have a quick taste test and bring in the new year with my girls. Anyway if you guys could share your tips so that I can have a happy new year it would be great. taste isn't so much a factor but potency is as best as possible. Thanks to everyone on here and have a happy new year everybody.


Active Member
yeah i figure i might use a heat source to dry them out overnight then cure them for 2 weeks and see what happens it's not like i'm depending on them of anything and I can wait for the rest it's just new years you know.