help me design my grow tent


Well-Known Member
It wouldnt be hard at all to set up a drip/reso compo.........The prob is more accessablity, You would need access to all sides of canopy to clip away dead leaves and spray pest/anti-fungal sprays, inspect plants, etc ,etc..... Everything becomes a bitch if you cant get to the back of your garden and you cant remove or shuffle plants around because they are in the net...... Just somthing to consider .... If i was going to do a scrog in a 4x4 space that i only had access to from one side id do 1 maybe 2 plants in 20-30gallon smart pots and top/veg the shit out them tell they fill my net then flip to flower and id undercut and shape below small and curtin areas below the net.... But even then with out being able to get to the back plants it would still kinda suck......

It would Be better if the table is in a "clean" room and you can walk around it.....But then you better have a proper clean room .......