HELP! Male or Female? (pics) Don't Want 2 Cut 2 Soon!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I am a noob, this is my first grow and these plants been through some times, now I think I have 1 female and 2 herms or 2 males but I can't tell for sure because what seems like a male has hairs and I've heard that you gotta watch 'em, sometimes they surprise ya (in a good way). I say hopefully.

The plants have been in flower for 9 days.

pic1: 004
This is plant 1, he looks like a boy, but he has hairs up top. Those do look like balls, though, huh? Lower down, it's hairs. Damn plant.

pic2: 006
This is the one I think is a lady.

pic3: 008
top of the "lady"

pic4: 011
3rd plant, harder to tell if it's boy or girl. Or hermie

I'm in a bind because I don't want to pull unless I have to of course, but at least I feel somewhat certain that the one is a female. Just want some advice from people who know more.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick responses, everyone. It is a sad day. But at least I have one female on my first grow (this thing started with 8 plants, I'm THAT noob...) and I can dedicate all my resources to her...