help! magnesium issue?

My baby is 16 days old. I feed her about 1/3 the recomended nurtrients on Monday. There are brown spots on the leaves. Do you guys think there is to much magnesium? If so what would help her get back to full health? I just flushed her with some ph balanced water.



Well-Known Member
it does look more like a calcium deff. due to the new growth been affected. as when you have mag. it will satrt in the lower middle to bottom and mainly stay to those areas.(apart from bad cases) due the the top(main stem ect) part of the plant taking the mag from the bottom half.cut it short... in turn..... leaving the bottom leafs short or with out chlorophyll, the green pigment in the leafs which gives you you're green healthy look as its dominates all other pigments. its a plant survail instinct to take from the bottom. also chlorophyll is important in the conversion of co2 and h20 into glucose. o sorry im stoned ive gone of topic. so ye what same as what he said above lol


Well-Known Member
I agree with kelly ^^^^, looks like you might be to hot on the nutes

I use hydro, however I pushed a seedling to hard a couple weeks ago and had the same problem, i cut back the nutes and after a couple weeks the plants recovered very nicely. Check out my posts about it and see for yourself if you think the problem the same.

unless you really screwed up you soil ph I don't think you have a deficiency, there pretty young yet.
Ok so I tested the water that I use for the plant, it sits for 2-3 days ussually and it reads a 6.7-7 range. I flushed the pot with about 16 oz of water and the water that flushed out was about a 5. So I believe the soild must be a low 5 or so. Any sugestion on how to raise it? I just recently flushed it with about a 1.5L of balanced water. Btw I have access to a lot of chemicals, and verrrrry specific amounts of them. So if anyone has a good sugestion that would be great. I'm in the air between 2 different chemical make ups but I want to know what you all think. (I am a knowledgeable person about chemistry, not spelling)


Well-Known Member
Brown leaf edges are indicative of heat stress. This damage looks alot like nutrient burn, get the heat away from the plants. Root stunting is characteristic of calcium deficiency, ph levels under 5.5 can cause the plants to lockout calcium.
yeah but heat stress also only shows on the leaves closest to the lights...

Looks like a little touch of over fert to me...If you are using any nutes at all then you don't have a micro deficiency...also if you are using any kind of water other than distilled or Reverse osmosis then there is yet another good chance you don't have a micro deficiency... they are called micro elements because they are needed in very small amounts...Most times when people see a deficiency of a micro nutrient it is caused by too much of a macro nutrient---bu this I mean nitrogen in veg...or phosphorous in bloom...
Should I start watering my plant with deionized water? I know if a human dlrinks it they would die, but what about a plant? From some reading I can use dolomitic lime. Would anyone have a ratio of that to water? I have accsess to scientific dolomitic limestone should I use it?


Well-Known Member
You need to add a little lime to your soil then...just mix some in...or mix a few tablespoons into a gallon of water and water with that...but really adding a handful of lime prior to planting is usually a good idea...


Active Member
wait, you said your PH is now 5? Use a lil baking soda in your water (cheaper and easier than getting lime) it will raise your PH. Since you Ph is below the lockup of CA and MG, I would start using some Calmag. I've had similar issues with my previous grows and present. Generally from what I've seen from my girls, the CA/MG Def shows from the center of the leaves and works its way out, not starting on the outside. The outside burn is newt burn.. Only give fert every 8 or 10 days, hell even 2 weeks when they are that small. Normally I dont even dose with fert mine til they are at least a foot tall. micro newts are a diff story. if you filter your water, or use iodinized water/reverse osmo or w/e you should be doubling up on CAL MAG because the filtering of the water strips all that good stuff out of it.

good luck


Active Member
My baby is 16 days old. I feed her about 1/3 the recomended nurtrients on Monday. There are brown spots on the leaves. Do you guys think there is to much magnesium? If so what would help her get back to full health? I just flushed her with some ph balanced water.
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They are small. Back off on the fertilizer. What is your soil media? At this stage of development it would be 1/8th to 1/4 tsp base nute per gallon. Keep the EC to .5 at the most. Don't over fertilize or overwater in veg.


That's from today. I added a little bit of ash from hardwood(burned toothpicks) to raise the ph a little. The water with thr ash was right at a 7.


Active Member
just use dolomite lime. it is a calcium magnesium compound that will stabilize your "soil". Are you using soil? To apply to soil go to a garden supply store ask for dolomite lime. Get a coffee grinder and powder it. add approximately 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil. Next time you mix your soil, slightly grind the lime and mix it in, but only powder 1/4 of it. double the application rates at up pot but with bigger particle size. Stop feeding them so much. low amounts of fertilizer all the way through.

make sure you are watering at 6.5-6.8 pH for soil
make sure you are watering at like a .2-.4 EC for plants that size.
Make sure you fertilizer has all 16 essential elements.
Make sure you are not over or underwatering. Look at UncleBen's plant moisture stress thread.

Don't think necessarily about individual lockout and deficiencies. Keep the pH stable and the ppm/EC low.
