Help! Leaves look bad.


Active Member
This guy is about 3 weeks old, I'm growing him on my sunlit porch (first-timer) with mystery seeds in a dixie cup filled with jungle growth moisture wise soil. Recently he hasn't been showing many signs of growth. Yesterday I fiddled with the water for the first time to adjust the PH by adding lemon juice to the water... Today my babies all look weaker, a lighter shade of green with slightly curled (downward) leaves BUT the worst one of the bunch is this guy who has these ashy gray spots all over him... It's as though the plant looks dirty.

The spots basically appeared over night and seem to be getting worse...

Could this be from overwatering? Most of the pics I find of overwatered plants don't look like this, does anybody have any ideas? Any feedback is much appreciated, thanks!



Active Member
Did you pH the soil/runoff before deciding it was too acidic? You might have messed it up with the lemon juice. In soil, you adjust pH by adding amendments to the soil, like lime (hydrated lime, not squeeze a lime on it.) Dixie cup is pretty small, I prefer party cups to start in.

Does your cup have drainage holes? Don't water until soil is almost totally dry, which is a slim margin for a dixie cup.

Edit - sorry, just looked closer at your pic and it does seem party cup size, I was thinking one of those shot-glass sized paper cups.


Active Member
I squeezed the lemon into the water before I added it to the plant but the thing is I didn't realize my PH meter was not meant to measure water PH, just soil, so maybe the PH reading of the water was totally incorrect (too low)...

The cups do have a drainage hole...

When you mention adding the hydrated lime, you mean I can just sprinkle that stuff on top of the soil?


Well-Known Member
Is it in a clear pot? Coz that wont help things, the roots need to be in darkness.


Active Member
Well I didn't know that, although everything has grown alright up until this point. When I transfer them it will be into a non-see thru container.


Well-Known Member
Glad to be of assistance. Not saying that's what's causing the problem though. Hope you get it sorted :-)


i have the same problem and the reading ive done so far seems to indicate that its what is called white mold u need a fungicide, i just started to have this issue last week and i put daconil-fungicide and seems to have helped but its only been a week i have five plants and they all seem to have it. i thnk it spreads fast it has to due with too much moisture and gnats feeding disease spreading etc........ive only treated one plant and the damage is at a stand still with that plant. seems to be helping with control at least i dont know if its gonna cure the problem. its only been a week.


Active Member
Do you have a picture of any of your plants? When you started to see signs of this how long did it take for it to get to the point my pic is at? Mine pretty much happened over night after I watered it, which is why I thought it had more to do with either over watering it or giving it bad water...


Picture 58.jpgthis is what they looked like when the problem first started but u cant see it sorry i can kinda tell the one in the middle has like grey dust spots on the leaves, thats what it looks like to me. like its dusty but its not dust! if only it was.


Active Member
Yeah, it does look like dust. What did you do to solve the problem? Mine is so small that I'm afraid to do anything drastic to it right now, but I feel like I should try something...


Active Member
I'd be willing to bet it's the roots getting to much sunlight from those clear cups. Root systems HATE to be exposed to sunlight. Also, over watering can lead to yellow leaves. If they were put into the sun with yellow leaves they can turn brown. I'd repot into different containers for sure. Good luck with your grow. Cheers!


im trying a fungicide i got from home depot its called Daconil it says it control/stops and prevents over 70 diseases. like i said its only been a week so i dont know how well it works but the plant i treated looks like its under control, but that doesnt mean its cured i dunno if there is a cure for this or just a rate of control. time to toke this shit is stressing me out lmfao cheers


Active Member
I squeezed the lemon into the water before I added it to the plant but the thing is I didn't realize my PH meter was not meant to measure water PH, just soil, so maybe the PH reading of the water was totally incorrect (too low)...

The cups do have a drainage hole...

When you mention adding the hydrated lime, you mean I can just sprinkle that stuff on top of the soil?
Here's a link about adjusting soil pH. It's just the first one I found - good general info b/c I've never had to do it. I did have powdery mildew however, which is a fungus. I took care of it with neem oil, which is organic and safe for consumables. It took care of the problem, and it's also good for other plant problems. The one I got was called something like 3 in 1 Rose Defense. Good luck.


thanks for the input i think im gonna try that. is it a spray how is it used the neem oil? where can i get some?


Active Member
thanks for the input i think im gonna try that. is it a spray how is it used the neem oil? where can i get some?
I got mine at my local hardware garden center. You can get pure (well almost pure) oil and dilute it, or get the pre-mix like I did. The kind I got was Green Light brand Rose Defense - 3 products in one - insecticide,fungicide and miticide - organic.

