help leaf tips are dying !


Well-Known Member
here are some pics , i have not feed them any nutes as the soil says not to for 6 weeks , there 8 days old the ph in the soil was 7.0 a week ago i havnt checked it again cos i thru the ph metre out , i have been watering the plants under the lights tho think that could be the problem ? any help would be much appreciated .



Well-Known Member
i think i just waterd them b4 the shot , i water them twice a day in the morning and at nite , my cfls dry tho soil out quick as fuck so im allways keeping the soil moist , the soil im using is osmacoates or somthing , im in australia tho , my plants are fucked now i went to the snow yesterday and when i came back there were a new set of leafs "fried" the plants are gonners :cry: ima get a ph kit today n make sure the ph is ok


Well-Known Member
Your soil has too strong of nutes in it and you are over watering. That plant in that pot you should have to water 1 time a week if that.

Get different soil. Get soil with out the 3 month feeding or six month feeding shit.


Well-Known Member
i think i just waterd them b4 the shot , i water them twice a day in the morning and at nite , my cfls dry tho soil out quick as fuck so im allways keeping the soil moist , the soil im using is osmacoates or somthing , im in australia tho , my plants are fucked now i went to the snow yesterday and when i came back there were a new set of leafs "fried" the plants are gonners :cry: ima get a ph kit today n make sure the ph is ok
sounds like a soil with the 'time release' fert. the more you water the more fertilizer is released. water a real lot and you fry the plants


Well-Known Member
Yep, just go on vacation for a week, and it stands a chance.. Don't give it too much light either, seedlings in nature are shaded by competing perenials remember.. And next time buy the cheap dirt, not that MG time release crap.. 3-way or 2-way are ok, then spend the rest of the money you saved on perlite, dolomite lime, and if you come across calcium peroxide, thats good shit too..


Well-Known Member
ok so if i give them water ill nute burn them ? is there a way flush the nutes out without fking em up ? i got a soil ph hit today and its came up purple think the soils in the 8'ish area so its got alot of alkaline in it , any ideas? and for light i got 3 cfls 6500k 2 25watts n 1' 11 watt, here are what my babies look like now :(


Well-Known Member
if im burning them cos of the slow nute relese wouldnt the soil be more acidy not more alkaline ? and yeah the soil has like cut up tambark n shit in it , ill have to be some cheap soil 2morrow but i know nothing about it . do u think they plants could recover ?



New Member
u shouldnt have any nutes in there earlier than like 3-5 alternating nodes. and it could also be cus the lights are to close...iv never had problems with nute burn from the slow release of nutes from the soil.


Well-Known Member
some grows do fine in the time released soils, some don't
over watering is the killer in preferted soils
it's not so much acidity(or alkalinity) that's the problem, just too much fertilizer probably due to too much water
recovery can definitely happen, either in the current soil, or fresh soil
i'm one of the growers who've had bad experiences with the 'tiny death pills', went organic, which for me was much easier to get good results


Well-Known Member
ok so nutes dont make the soil more acidy? they just burn without ph changing? "tiny death pills" are u refering to those little yellow beads in the soil i have? are they nutrients?

transplanting to new soil today , this time i wont water twice a day lol , when i water should the water be nuetral 7.0 ph? or should i keep it alittle acidy maybe around 6.0?


Well-Known Member
ok so nutes dont make the soil more acidy? they just burn without ph changing? "tiny death pills" are u refering to those little yellow beads in the soil i have? are they nutrients?

transplanting to new soil today , this time i wont water twice a day lol , when i water should the water be nuetral 7.0 ph? or should i keep it alittle acidy maybe around 6.0?
yeah, the the little yellow beads are what i call death pills, are the nutes
just too much of a good thing, the ph you see after too much nute may be acid, but too much nute will kill whether it's acidic or not
water should be under 7, some other replies mentioned 6.5 which is good


Well-Known Member
ok so i transplented them 3 days ago and so far no improvements , they aint getting worse but not getting better , also i waterd them today with 4 'half ph water and 6 ph water came out from them ? wtf i think my soil might be to alkalinidy . so i ran a pool ph meter and the drainidge was comming up with ppm 40 alkaline is this bad ? have no idea what ppm means .my ph kit also says "alkaline soils are one of the main causes of chlorosis " which i think i got .