Help! jiffy pucks molded roots and seeds


Active Member
i germinated 10 poison dwarf, 2 power skunk, and 1 fem gigabud, anyways
7 poison dwarfs popped and i moved them from the paper towels to the jiffy pucks and went ahead and put the other seeds in the pucks also.

i checked the pucks the other day and they were covered in mold, i transplanted all of them out of the jiffy pucks and moved them to good top soil but first i rinsed them in some water and mollasses.

my question is, is there anything else i should do to combat the mold i managed to rinse all i could see off, is there any remedy to help them make it through?



Active Member
alright i have kind of answered my own question, i think....
i believe the root mold has come from the molasses, i have the mix too strong, 1tbsp to 1 qt of water.
anyways i read a little about H2O2 being able to kill off the mold, my question is how much do i need to be effective without killing the plants?
also i am going to stop the mollasses for a while but do you think when the problem clears i can start using it again? if so what strength?
by the way i am doing a soil grow.


Well-Known Member
molasses is only used the last two weeks of flowering, and I don't think you'll be able to clean those now, unfortunateluy you should start over.


Active Member
thanks for the reply, i think i may have caught it in time though as it was not covered in mold and didnt have the hairs from the spores a day ago.
anyways i went head and watered with 1 qt of straight water once i transplanted them from the jiffy pucks, after that i followed by water with a solution of
1/4 tsp to 1 qt of water with the pharma grade h2o2 i believe it was 3%
anyways do you think that amount is sufficient or should i at more?


Well-Known Member
Well you were so early into the grow I would have gone the other way but maybe you should start more seeds now just in case.

The problem is you have that molasses in there now, it won't rinse out fully, so you'll be vulnerable to bugs too, even if you keep the mold at bay with mold spray.

Just don't try to run those for a scrog or something when you have to keep it alive for a year or whatever... A quick veg and flower and stay on top of bug killer and mold killer and you will likely be ok.


Active Member
thanks again for the quick reply, the poison dwarfs are auto flower so thats ok, i am running them all at 24/0 for about a week then i'm switching to 12/12 i know that autoflowers will flower with 24/0 but i'm doing this so that the 2 power skunk and gigabud go into flowering since they are "regular" strains.
how often should i water with the h2o2?


Well-Known Member
Skip h202 and go buy dedicated mold spray at any garden center.
Care for them as normal, but if you see a hint of mold on one, then spray the soil just enough for good coverarge on all of them. Don't use it more than you need to and don't drown your plants in it.
It's strong stuff.

A couple of those yellow sticky traps, and preventative spray of general insecticides. (neem, safer)

You'll be ok with that regimen


Active Member
thank you but what were you referring to with "(neem, safer)" are those brands of insecticide?
i had read that it is ok to use molasses through the whole grow at correct amounts, what's your though on that?
also keep in mind that 10 of my plants are auto flower so can't they receive it throughout the whole grow?


Well-Known Member
Now that you have mold and food for bugs in your plants and have to use mold spray and bug killer just to keep problems at bay what are your thoughts on running it the whole grow? :)

Yes neem/safer are general non-toxic insecticides


Active Member
i understand the common sense of it, but i thought h2o2 kills off the fungus.
or are you saying that its a risk to have molasses around because of the pests it brings?


Well-Known Member
extra risk

You turned your pots into attractive bug feeders

I have not tried it for a full grow like that, so far all I know maybe there is merit to it.

But I wouldn't play with that method without talking to succesfull growers who use it first, and I don't know who that would be. Where did you get the idea to start with?

There could be issues maintaing ph too, again I really am not sure it's just a hunch.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
wow dude, just listen to him, don't use molassis, there is no need, not when you have already messed things up. if you were running a perfectly healthy crop then no prob, but why risk it now? as for the H2O2, use it only once if you need to disinfect, if you dont absolutly need to, then don't. now comes the hard part, don't do anything, you have to be patient and just observe for now. though that might be hgard for you


Active Member
thank you very much for all of the advice, i was under the impression i couldn't give the plant to many carbs and sugars, sounded to good to be true i guess.


Active Member
thanks dj crane, i don't know what got you excited to say "wow" but i was taking his advice but i was also letting him teach me more about the subject.
kind of dumb to just do what you're told without knowing what for.
thanks for the consideration though, just don't get so worked up next time.


Well-Known Member
ha ha. if you call that 'worked up'... prepare to get some bruises or to grow some thicker skin.

as far as jiffy pucks go, you coulda got mold w/o the sugar water... but that's just asking for it. You should have started with a water / peroxide solution in those pucks to prevent mold growth. Or at least use tap water which normally prevents such problems under normal circumstances.

the 'general knowledge' is that plants need -nothing- other than decent soil for at least the first three weeks of growth (if ur growing in soil). Putting anything else in there is just asking for problems.


Active Member
haha, i know i've read some of the threads that have gotten hostile, i don't get it though, why get mad over things that have to do with knowledge, constructive criticism is good ignorant ranting isn't, i don't think dj crane was being hostile or rude by any means i just didn't want him to get the impression i was trying to make oregonmeds gratify my thought on molasses, i just wanted to be corrected.

i was thinking the same thing about the jiffy seeing as how every single one had mold even the 3 w/o molasses, i'm going to just stick with water for now and keep the mold spray and insecticides around for safety. everythings a learning process.