HELP IN DESPERATE NEED OF ADVICE! Advance question in need of answers

I have planted like 25 seeds since last month none of them have sprouted. please TELL ME what am i doing wrong. this is what i have been doing: i germinate the seeds in paper towels, then I barley bury them in the dirt and sprinkle a little dirt over them, then i water it with a spray bottle and sit it under the lights. 10 days later, nothing.
please let me know what i am doing wrong.

should i plant the seed deep or shallow?
should i turn the lights off til it sprouts?
should i wet the soil before or after i plant the seed?

please help i am ready to grow sticky dank weed, i have everything i need. i just cant get the seeds to sprout.

help me sprout a seed and i will give you +rep


Well-Known Member
How long of a tap root did you have before you planted them?

1st) If you mess with the seeds in any way once they are planted (and in this case, 10 days after you planted them) otherwise, you will damage them (And they will never grow)

can you provide pics of your setup? i.e. Dome? Lights? Distance? Type of soil? Does that soil drain well? etc...etc...
How long of a tap root did you have before you planted them?

1st) If you mess with the seeds in any way once they are planted (and in this case, 10 days after you planted them) otherwise, you will damage them (And they will never grow)

can you provide pics of your setup? i.e. Dome? Lights? Distance? Type of soil? Does that soil drain well? etc...etc...
yes here is my lil setup. i let it get about as long as my fingernail not counting the seed.

those are two 34w daylight/65k lights

i have organc soil that i added a bit of perlite to. this isnt my first grow... i have had simi sucesfull plant in the past.

hehe that middle picture has my bong that i have hooked up to my vaporizer in it.



Well-Known Member
Sorry, so that we better understand what you're doing;

You noted that you planted around 25 seeds. At this time, how many seeds are planted in that One cup in your Stealth tower?

Please, don't tell us you have more then one seed in that Cup; otherwise you're going about it all wrong.
Sorry, so that we better understand what you're doing;

You noted that you planted around 25 seeds. At this time, how many seeds are planted in that One cup in your Stealth tower?

Please, don't tell us you have more then one seed in that Cup; otherwise you're going about it all wrong.
no no. over time i have planted that many. there is only one seed in the pot at a time. but sometimes i put two or three pots in there.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...use filtered water to germ seeds.
...I personally plant the seed directly into premoisted soil, 1/4 of an inch deep, I don't use the paper towel method.
...a seedling heating pad helps out alot
...leave the light off until you see growth above the soil surface.


Active Member
It is impossible to give you one bit of advice that will solve this problem.

A few basic things you can try:

Plant the seed about as deep as half your thumb.
Make sure the soil stays wet all the time, but don't drown them.

Here is my special tip; cover the seed pot with clear cling wrap, this will keep the moisture in. Remove this as soon as they sprout and make sure that the plastic do not touch the soil or plant. ie it must be above it not covering the soil directly.

A few things you may not be able to control and that may be the cause of your problem:
Old seeds, if they are very old they won't pop but some should.
Maybe it is simply to cold for them to pop.
Maybe you have not been patient enough. I have had seeds take 2 weeks to pop. Best is to plant water and stop worrying.

Hope this helps


Active Member
another thing after reading the posts. Have alight on! Think nature. They grow towards the sun. The light should be on for sure, but you dont need a HPS a fluro is enough.


Well-Known Member
for one, "barely burying them" isn't a good idea.

Just make a pilot-hole for the seed (like a pre-drilled hole)..

make sure you go at least 1/2inch down; No more, no less.

1. Should you plant the seed deep or shallow? Neither. Like I said, 1/2inch down is fine.
2.I personally will keep my seedlings in the dark, until they sprout and the "shepards hook" has straightened out most the way. (but some people start giving them light as soon as they plant the seed, which, IMO, is a waste of light. There's no plant there yet, to receive the light, until it sprouts.)
3. You should get the soil moist. Not soaking wet, but moist. This will help keep "air pockets" from forming when you put the soil back on top of the seed you planted. "air pockets" in the soil is not a good thing. No fun.

Anyhow, the answers above were formed from my personal experiences and personal methods. Everyone has their own methods of doing things.. but I've never had any problems hardly.. with my personal methods.

But, growing is an art form.. and IMO anyone who disagrees with that?, well, that person isn't a true green thumb then IMO.

Anyhow, that's my 2cents.

for one, "barely burying them" isn't a good idea.

Just make a pilot-hole for the seed (like a pre-drilled hole)..

make sure you go at least 1/2inch down; No more, no less.

1. Should you plant the seed deep or shallow? Neither. Like I said, 1/2inch down is fine.
2.I personally will keep my seedlings in the dark, until they sprout and the "shepards hook" has straightened out most the way. (but some people start giving them light as soon as they plant the seed, which, IMO, is a waste of light. There's no plant there yet, to receive the light, until it sprouts.)
3. You should get the soil moist. Not soaking wet, but moist. This will help keep "air pockets" from forming when you put the soil back on top of the seed you planted. "air pockets" in the soil is not a good thing. No fun.

Anyhow, the answers above were formed from my personal experiences and personal methods. Everyone has their own methods of doing things.. but I've never had any problems hardly.. with my personal methods.

But, growing is an art form.. and IMO anyone who disagrees with that?, well, that person isn't a true green thumb then IMO.

Anyhow, that's my 2cents.

okay thanks or the advice man. i feel stupid. i have grown plants before its been a while scince i have grown from seed.... usually use clones
well they definitely should not be dry and brittle, when the sprout dries out it will die, they are very tender. keep the soil nice and moist to make sure they pop out.
okay what i think i am going to do is moisten the soil thoroughly in a bowl. Then put the moist soil in the pot, then plant the germinated seed.


Well-Known Member
just make sure its not muddy AT ALL, just thoroughly moist. i like to cover my pots with a plastic dome to help keep the moisture in....depending on the size of your pot a plastic baggy would do the trick.
Well my soil is not dry when i take it from the bag, but after it sets in the pc grow box in the pot it starts to crack and become flakey.

Okay so recap: This is what i will do:

Ill pre moist the soil. Put the germinated seed in. Put a plastic baggy over it. Turn out the lights and wait?