Help identifying this marijuana


Well-Known Member
Hi, thanks for the reply. Do you have any further info? On the kind of weed it might be?
It's not possible to identify beyond sativa indica hybrid etc

its a little bit like asking

what type/brand of beer do you think is in this glass
Hint > its not Guinness



My Sherlock Holmes-esque perception detects a ragged cutting pattern on the trimmed leaves indicating an automated trimmer, which leads me to believe it was done commercially. The way the bottom side lies flat tells me that this was bundled with other weed, which indicates being packed on a burro and brought into wherever you are by a Mexican, indicating futher a strain known as 'schwag'. The burro has arthritis in it's left front knee which accounts for the inability for a camera to focus on the nugget.


New Member
My Sherlock Holmes-esque perception detects a ragged cutting pattern on the trimmed leaves indicating an automated trimmer, which leads me to believe it was done commercially. The way the bottom side lies flat tells me that this was bundled with other weed, which indicates being packed on a burro and brought into wherever you are by a Mexican, indicating futher a strain known as 'schwag'. The burro has arthritis in it's left front knee which accounts for the inability for a camera to focus on the nugget.
Wow thanks for the reply. Trippy