Help I think Spider Mites are here


Well-Known Member
Ok so I am on week two of flower ing I go out and check and see a few of my fan leaves totally wrapped in webs I see this little black bug crawling not sure if its spider mites and if it is I was thinking about ordering the 1 oz flouromite my question is how do I use it? I have a sprayer do I just mix it and hit the entire plant with it I have small buds forming already I have been all organic Fox Farms ferts will this hurt the plant or me when I smoke it if I use this stuff? at 30.00 bucks an oz. I want to be sure.

It was only one plant and only a few leaves but worried its the start of an infestation.

Thanks for yalls help

in advance


Well-Known Member
dont use floramite in flower at all.
its great in veg but in flower its not safe.

you need to use either neem oil. warm up a sauce pan 1/2 full of water. when its warm/almost hot, remove the heat, then place the bottle of NEEM in the saucepan full of water for a few minutes to loosen it up... per L of water yo want to add 5ml NEEM OIL + 5ml Ivory Dishsoap. Spray only when the lights are out, and spray good and plenty. spray everywhere. underneath on the stem on the soil line everywhere. drenched. give the plants an hour before the lights come on...

you will need to repeat this process every 3-4 days... and this only CONTROLS the infestation.
to totally rid it, the days you are not spraying Neem use a Total Release Pyrethium Fogger... which like neem is safe up to day of harvest and it will help you kill all the little bastards and their hatchlings.

the TR fogger may be a little gung ho for you.... but the neem willl help no doubt


Well-Known Member
THANKS! I really apprecieate the info but Wow the neem seems like alot of work I am going to head out this morning to my hydro shop and pick up some organic foggers also I heard lady bugs will work is this true and where can I buy them?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
the TR fogger may be a little gung ho for you....

Why is this exspensive or bad for your health? sorry first bout with these spider mite bastards and learning still



Well-Known Member
i only say a little gung ho because those foggers are for up to 1000sq ft of space....

if you are cool releasing a fogger for 3-4 hrs in your roomthen by all means do it you will kill all the adult mites. then in 3-4 days their larvae will hatch.... so you'll need to drop another fogger.... when i went the fogger route i used 3 foggers over 10 days. the thing with foggers though is they only kill the live ones... not the incubating ones. coupling them w/neem (which puts a waxing like coating on the leaves that the bugs cannot get thru.... its like a barrier so all the bastards that hatch in between foggers cannot get anything to eat to they mate and die) is the way to go.

i know the prep sounds like a pian in the ass for the neem poil but it really only takes a quick minute to prep... then you just spray the plant until it is drenched. then repeat in 2 days...

hope this helps you some