HELP!! I can't see!!!


Well-Known Member
My eye sight is not what it used to be. I have the radio shack 60X-100X microscope with light to look at the Trich's,, I love this Scope.

But when I am checking for the sex of the plant it is to strong. I have to use a pair of 2.50X reading glasses, and a small jewelry lens I bought at an Arts and Crafts store, which is I think 8X, maybe 10X. I am thinking something you can hold steady, or wear, that is like 20X-40X. Anyone know of something out there like this?

Or what do you all use? I know there are others that have crested that hill and eyes are failing.

Oh, bye the way. I had great vision all my life. It hit all at once. Freaked me out.

I hate reading fine print now, like on those dam bottles of nuts at the hydro store. I seem to always forget my glasses at home. I read a lot of fine print, but this is all I need the glasses for, so I forget them a lot. :-?


Well-Known Member
what does that have to do with sexxing a plant?

If you want a White Russian. Most Bars will pour you own for about $4.


Well-Known Member
My digital camera is not good enough to take close ups that are clear.
But that is a really nice way. Wish I had a better camera.

Guess I will just have to continue with the way I do it.


Well-Known Member
A jewellery lens seems like the best option to me, but only if you use the British spelling.