!!!!!!!!!!!help first time grower with major problems!!!!!!!!!!!

So pretty much this is the first time i have tried growing and i am having a few problems near to harvest time.
To start out this is an outdoor grow around 5 plants in a big pot i know its probably too many but i started late in the season and didnt expect to get such a good grow the first time around

So my problem is that
1 the bottom leaves are turning yellow and dieing off is that ok or should i be worried
2 it is decently cold at night where i live so for the past week or so i have been taking the plant in once it hits around 60 to 55 or below but when i move the plant i merely pick it up and move it about 10 ft to my house where it is dark and decently warmer but i have noticed some of the buds on the biggest plant are falling off what could that be from should i be super worried and just harvest what i have and cut my losses? or keep it going until it is done budding

i can get pictures if necessary

thank you in advance for any help


Active Member
if you platned them to late in the season, the chances are it is getting to cold where you are and the fact that your plant might not be fully matured but yet budding at a very yougn age


leaves falling off the plant at this stage is normal ,, but no clue about the buds falling off sorry man

Brick Top

New Member
Bottom leaves turning light color then browning and then dying and dropping off near harvest is normal.
Depending on the strain 55 to 60 degrees at night will not cause any damage, and if say it is a colorful strain it will bring out the color. Some strains, particularly ones that are or are crosses with plants that evolved to survive in far northerly regions or at high altitude can withstand short periods of frost without damage so depending on what you are growing you may not have any reason to go to the effort of bringing your plants inside at night.
If you are concerned about lower temperatures, and if it is feasible in your situation, covering them with a tarp or a blanket will be enough to retain enough heat overnight. The lowest temperatures at night will occur just before daybreak, unless a weather front moves through and temperatures begin to rise during the night. So it is only the last hour or two of the night that could possibly be a problem IF it drops low enough and depending on the strain you are growing. So if you can, possibly just covering them on cold night will be all you would need to do.


Active Member
Typically i read that moving your plants is a major no no... It causes them a lot of stress and it could be why some of your buds are falling off...