HELP!! Do I have spider mites?


Well-Known Member
yes you do
its pretty easy in veg to get arid of it.
buy a few different mite killers and spray in 2-3 day intervals with the different ones, then after about 1 week or 2 of continuous spraying, you should be able to beat it with ease. you just have to be diligent and keep spraying the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Try nukem, and mightywash alternating until theyre gone. Spray the tent and floor with bleach solution. And bug spray on the dirt and the stems, not just the leaves. They travel all over and even just one prego one left in there can reproduce a colony in no time. Even when you think theyre gone keep spraying or theyll come back and haunt you forever. They are really hard to get rid of but if your PERSISTENT, youll get rid of them, if you miss days and forget theyll be back when you least expect them to be and always twards the end of flower when the plant is finnishing.


Well-Known Member
Safer Insecticidal soap, twice a week for three weeks. Kill the living before they get old enough to lay eggs, then kill the hatchlings, again before they get old enough to lay eggs. Repeat this process for several weeks and they'll be gone for good.

All the crazy talk about bleaching the walls, etc is totally unnecessary; they only live on plants, so concentrate your attention there.

Finally, they came from somewhere- could have been you coming from a buddy's house who's also infested, could be a friend, could be your dog- seriously. If you've been someplace where there are spidermites, change clothes before getting anywhere near your ladies. Do NOT let pets around your plants, ever, this is just one of many good reasons. This is the best reason to limit traffic around your grow.

You found them early so damage is minimal.

Be sure to spray both tops and undersides of all the leaves and stems- they live on the undersides of the leaf, not on top.


Well-Known Member
They could be Broad Mites, I'm in WA as well. I got clones from a market in Seattle and they infected all 4 of my ladys and my room .. Im using Nuke Em. Set me back 5 weeks