HELP -- Dirty plant !!


Quick summary – first time LR2 grower who used bad soil, not enough light, didn’t check ph, etc etc.

Due to this, I was 70 days from seed and my plant has some very small buds (it’s a tiny plant, around ~12 inches). Trichs were cloudy, but not yet amber so I was holding off a few more days.

Long story short, due to a bit of a ‘disagreement,’ my wife threw the plant in the trash!!!!!
I immediately picked it out and basically chopped it down to begin harvest, but the soil is all over the leaves and buds!!!
I tried to blow it off as I didn’t want to touch the trichs if at all possible – but there’s still soil all over it!!!
She’s hanging upside down right now and I’m wondering if anyone has any advise for when I start trimming the plant to take off the buds?


Well-Known Member
Not good muddy buds, when dried and trimmed try to tap the mud out on the table.


Active Member
Simply shower her to get soil off of them.Shake off all the water drops from her ,then put her infront of fan with cold air (not hot air) to dry all the water-Then hang it and dry it normaly.


Active Member
I dont know how to answer that bro. What do you mean exactly?? LOL
haha. i would cut her limbs off for easy disposal, take her clothes off before though.

Your best bet is to use compressed air if you have a compressor, if not then do your best to get it all out, i wouldn't worry too much about damaging trichomes as the weed is umsmokeable as it is, it'll still be potent tho.


Ursus marijanus
A water wash works best, perhaps with mildest soap, like unscented baby wash. Weed gets rained on outside, so it's not like you're doing anything unnatural or dangerous to the quality. cn


Well-Known Member
Fill the tub with water. And rinse it now. Befor you dry it. Most of it should come off without tucking it. Then hang and dry. And when you trim soil should be dry and fall off as you trim.