Help Brown spots on leaves


Hey there people
I'm having a problem, this plant was fine yesterday but today it has little brown spots on it. lastnight i watered my babies with a spray bottle and moved this one closer to the cfl 6500k 15 watt whithin an inch or so from light. did i burn her?? i'm not feeding with nutes but the soil does have fertilizer in it. any ideas?? what can i do to help it or should i leave it alone.. it's the only one out of the 6 that are doing it. could i be over watering them... how often should i be watering??



Active Member
Are you sure a small little person did not wipe their butt there? ..... Sorry I just burned half a doob and I thought that was funny!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Are you sure a small little person did not wipe their butt there? ..... Sorry I just burned half a doob and I thought that was funny!!!!!

Looks like nute burn; what kind of soil do you got? The soil around that plant shouldn't be watered so heavily like you have it in the picture; it would suffice to just water a small area around it while it's still small. This leads me to believe it's your soil releasing too much nutes to the roots.


Well-Known Member
That would make sense ok so to much watering. It was stagreen mosture soil or something ..
Yeah; most soil they sell in bags at home depot/lowes is really not suitable for small seedlings; i'm sure it's very possible to get good results from the miracle grow or sta green; it just has to be done carefully; good luck to you sire

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
nute burn from HD soil. the heavy curl on the leaves is a dead giveaway. you could try a flush. but on your dutch babies use some rapid rooters, jiffy pucks... not soil from home depot/ lowes/ walmart go to a nursery and buy good soil.


Well-Known Member
yea bro i used stagreen soil and had TONS of problems. stay away from the cheap stuff. go get some foxfarm seedling starter soil or something


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'd go with JumboSwishers advice. I put young clones into Fox Farm Ocean Green and they got burns, that stuff is great but your girls gotta be big enough to handle the nutes.

If you go to the nursery ask for the horticulturist and ask what kind of dirt he/she would use to plant seeds.


nute burn from HD soil. the heavy curl on the leaves is a dead giveaway. you could try a flush. but on your dutch babies use some rapid rooters, jiffy pucks... not soil from home depot/ lowes/ walmart go to a nursery and buy good soil.

This is a first time grow to see if i could do it.. i will invest in better soil after this...


i will do better soil next time but still gotta get thru this time... i was thinking about doing the DWC thing next time it looks interesting...


Well-Known Member
imo to keep these lil girls healthy i would flush heavily, and then again when they dry out in about a week. or invest in some soil with no or VERY low nutes. maybe something organic. they may b stunted for the next 4 weeks or so but they will pull through if you baby them. the plants i had in the stagreen soil were only 4 inches tall on day 55!! and now on day 70something they are over a foot tall and bushy as hell! dont toss em out untill there COMPLETLEY dead. good luck


imo to keep these lil girls healthy i would flush heavily, and then again when they dry out in about a week. or invest in some soil with no or VERY low nutes. maybe something organic. they may b stunted for the next 4 weeks or so but they will pull through if you baby them. the plants i had in the stagreen soil were only 4 inches tall on day 55!! and now on day 70something they are over a foot tall and bushy as hell! dont toss em out untill there COMPLETLEY dead. good luck
I went and bought soil without any nutes in it and changed the soil in the ones that looked like they needed it, left the ones that looked good. i watered them and bought a humidifier because the humidity was low (16) so its about 30 at the moment.. so i hope that works they are about 3 weeks old now i hope they get bigger fast....there were 2 that had good root systems but the other 2 were small root systems...


Well-Known Member
I went and bought soil without any nutes in it and changed the soil in the ones that looked like they needed it, left the ones that looked good. i watered them and bought a humidifier because the humidity was low (16) so its about 30 at the moment.. so i hope that works they are about 3 weeks old now i hope they get bigger fast....there were 2 that had good root systems but the other 2 were small root systems...

Yeah, nute burns cause thin and underdeveloped roots. They'll pull through I'm sure if you baby them. But it may take them a couple of weeks to adjust to the new soil and develope stronger roots.

You're doing good so far, but if you want to keep growing beyond these, you'll want to invest a little every week. There's soo much to buy, I'm not gonna lie. But most stuff you buy lasts a long time (thermometer, pH tester, nutes, perlite, aquarium pH test kit, etc...) Then there's items like soil that you can only really use once. You'll be happy when you harvest though, and that's the best time to make the bigger investmentts (lights, portable a/c, etc...)

30% isn't a bad humidity level, that's where mine's at with a humidifier. Higher is better, but I'm pretty happy with my growth so far. And low humidity means no mold/mildew, but it also means better chance of getting gnats, thrips, or aphids.

But no worries, you can act now to protect yourself and save money and headache. If you have a vent, take a pair of stockings and use it as a filter on the vent bringing air in. Also, you can get 1,500 lady bugs for less than $10 if you want to pick up a little screening and lady bug proof your grow room (vents, lights, fans, portable A/C intake, door, etc... Anywhere they can get where you don't want them, or where they'd die). They eat all soft bodied pests that are their size or smaller. And the dreaded spider mites (the worst of the worst) don't set up camp where there are predators.

Keep at it though and you shall be rewarded in green spades. :bigjoint: