help broke main stem 4th week of flowering

ok so she was getting too tall and i decided to tie her down a bit and i bent the main stem.!! i stood her back up and used some twist ties to hold her. is she going to be ok? will this top keep budding or did i just screw myself? any help would be great. btw how does she look besides the top. any hints or tips. this is my first grow.

5 gallon bucket with 2 6 inch air stones 400 watt hps. using 3 part gh flora nutes with floralicious bloom kool bloom and flora nector pineapple rush.


Well-Known Member
it will be fine it looks more like a super crop then a break, usalyy want to lst in veg though, the stems are less flexy when in flower, actualy if u left it untied and it was stayin in place by its self it migh have worked to your advantage it woul let more light hit lower bud sites, u should be fine though


Well-Known Member
Yeah you should be just fine. Like mcpurple said, it looks more like a super crop attempt. You also could have left it tied down I bet. What you did was break vascular tissue where fluids are transported. Picture it (the tissue) like a small two lane road for fluids etc inside the plant. When you bent the plant the tissue ruptured, and when it heals you will have more of a freeway than a two lane road. Super-cropping in a nutshell.


New Member
The first time I snapped a stem I freaked. But it is no biggie. I did it again this time around too, and it worked out to my favor. As long as they are not in two pieces, let it heal and it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
i just had the same issue. switched over to 12/12 a couple days ago, and noticed that one of the branches i super cropped last week had been bent to many time, from being brushed against in moving the pot, so i just straightend it out, and put a little duct tape on it. it is one of my main branches, so i dont wanna cut it off, it should be ok tho huh? this whole super cropping and good stress is a little new to me~


Well-Known Member
Having seen a few threads like this, and from my own experience of stems snapping accidentally, I'm conducting an experiment. I took 3 clones from the same female plant and rooted them. On one, I have snapped the stem bellow the lowest node - as you would with super cropping. So far (several days), she's looking fine - topped it too. A bit of a hybrid between LST/SuperCropping and outright child abuse. Time will tell, but I doubt it will adversely effect it


Well-Known Member
Having seen a few threads like this, and from my own experience of stems snapping accidentally, I'm conducting an experiment. I took 3 clones from the same female plant and rooted them. On one, I have snapped the stem bellow the lowest node - as you would with super cropping. So far (several days), she's looking fine - topped it too. A bit of a hybrid between LST/SuperCropping and outright child abuse. Time will tell, but I doubt it will adversely effect it
sweet man, yea, i did a little more reading, and found wat i think will work for me, i took some syran wrap, and wraped it, like a 2nd skin, and then duct taped that, and now, about 3 days later or so, it is doing great. i read one guys post saying he actually cut one of his main branches clean off!!!, and duct taped it, and left it, and it re-grew. i was shocked at that...wether he was bull shitting, i will never know, because i dont got the balls to try that to my babies! lol i know that this bend im currently dealing with was just about as bad as a clean cut, and it is coming back nicely. i also have bottle fed it before lights out, these plants have become my babies, literally.


Well-Known Member
I snapped a brance a few weeks ago and used a twisty tied to give some support.. shes holding strong and still seem major development... you have no real concern ;) HG -ch33b


Well-Known Member
Shit. Not good at week 4 of flowering. In veg stage you get away with it, but flowering is different. It goes for about 8 weeks you will lose 2 weeks to heal the snap no bud production in mean time and major stress. When you snap the main stem anything above that point doesn't get water or nutes until its repaired or if it repairs at all . Ouch!
I notice he never posted back.


Well-Known Member
Shit. Not good at week 4 of flowering. In veg stage you get away with it, but flowering is different. It goes for about 8 weeks you will lose 2 weeks to heal the snap no bud production in mean time and major stress. When you snap the main stem anything above that point doesn't get water or nutes until its repaired or if it repairs at all . Ouch!
I notice he never posted back.
yea, i noticed that too. guess he didnt have good news to share. as far as mine goes, it wasnt a "main" stem, i have grown mine very short and bushy, and have many main's....
anyway, after the suran wrap,. and little bit of duct tape, it is doing GREAT! i had to bottle feed her for a few days (well, i chose too, she prob would had been fine w/out the extra care) shes looking good. the main thing that had me worried was that i am about a week into 12/12, and i wanted my branches to be strong and ready to support my soon to be HUGE buds (hehe, wishful thinking)


I need help with this, My plant is in week one of flower, there's two stems that form a Y, my lamp fell on top and split the stem slightly, I added some rooting gel into the crack and used a zip tie to bring it back together, my question is, should I put it back into Veg state while it heals itself or should I continue the flowering, I'm worried that it might cause enough stress to cause it to go hermie