Help!Any good electrician I have few questions about generator


Hello! So I have this room 10mx10m,so I am planning to put there 100 HPS lamps. Because I live in Europe in my place paying the electricity bill that high is not an option,nor stealing that much electricity. So I am planning to put a generator. 100 HPS x 600w=60 kw,I know the generator is build to work on 75% of power,so I will be needing a lets say about 85 kw (100 kVa) generator. That part is clear to me, but what worries me is the start up power for those lamps and ballasts. Would I be able to ignite all of them at once or maybe in parts (first 25,then another 25 etc.) I could send you a specification of the ballasts I have on mail or something? So you can answer me? Also I can send a specifications of generator,it is in PDF.

Thanks a lot! :)
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Spot on with the 60kw. nice work. i would just have two separate timers set up ( just a control voltage) going to multi circuit contractors. Just have one come on 10 minutes before the second timer.

I've amp probed metal halides on pole lights during start up and most don't have that much of an amperage spike on startups.
But the ballast we are working with is a bit different.


Thanks man! I was worried about when someone told me that lamps needs two or three times bigger power that they are just to start up. So I was like would that generator be enough for all that? I have lamps already but I must invest in generator now, so that was like my pre-caution question. Sorry for my bad English. Thanks a lot! :)


Hello! I have one more question. Is it better if I buy digital ballast, because on mine magnetic one says current is:6.2 A,but on digital ones I watched says 2.7 A. So when I convert kVa of the generator to amps and divide that by the current I can only have 70 lamps? I dont know is that power in that specific moment and later I can carry on the ignition if I set timers like you've said, or thats the maximum number of lamps I can have on that generator the whole time? I dont know if you have understand me? Thanks a lot man! :)