Help!! am i an idiot?

colonel cronic

Active Member
hello, Ive been trying to sprout seeds in rock wool. i say trying because they always die before the week is over. they sprout and pop up above the rock wool and do not root. the just die. i don't get it. i adjusted the water lower to cancel out the high pH of the rock wool and still nothing makes it past a week. the cubes are in a tray with a dome under my cfls which is plenty of light for what im doing. im not over watering or under watering. the cubes stay perfect and pop a sprout. and about 2 days later there dead. can some on please help me with my attack of idiocy please. iv already wasted money on good seeds that died so please! i cant afford any more mistakes!

peace and love, Colonel Cronic.


Well-Known Member
man i hope you figure out your problem i went through bout 20 seeds and all i have is one plant(they all germed but were dieing before they broke ground) so now im paying close attention on the one and only plant i did get

i actually added some diluted schultz rooting hoarmone (mixed with water) in order to get it to pop out of the ground(not sure if this helped or not)


Well-Known Member
whats the ph of the water, some times this kills the young seedlings try to use bottles water, and if its in the humidity dome, when they break surface take off the dome, the dome can create heat stress


Well-Known Member
I would give up on using rockwool and figure a new way to germ and make it through the seedling stage. I grow in dirt and have had about 80% success rate having seeds survive after breaking dirt I tried using a rapid rooter tray and heat pad & dome and only got 3 of the 9 I started like that so after that I went back to dirt...just my 2 cents

colonel cronic

Active Member
the pH of my water res is within range. and I do think that heat stress was a factor. im still gonna use the cubes. im starting fresh i soaked the new cubes and adjusted the ph and put new seeds in and im gonna try to germ them in the hydrotron instead of the dome. i was going to place the seed directly in the hydrotron but u have to way to careful with them when they're sprouts. so im gonna give it another try. oh and im using purified water not tap.


Active Member
ive never had luck sprouting in rockwool

i think its too hard a material for young roots, also its kinda hard to maintain moisture levels. (for me anyways)

try sprouting in a jiffy disc and inserting that into a hollow in the rockwool, or switch to netcups


Active Member
I have always had great succes using the paper towel method to germ seeds and then I throw em into a 4 inch pot with soil mixed w perlite, 3 parts to 1. Done. They grow up fine from there. Repot as needed.

peace and chicken grease