Hello, yellow!! *finally included items of what materials I'm using

Well, here is the stuff I am using. No nutrients yet. (2) usb computer fans.

Medium: 9c637565-6bc9-4f27-a172-a115305f483e.jpg.w960.jpg

Lighting: (2) 75w daylight bulbs, (2) 75w soft white bulbs, (1) 45w 225pc led full spectrum *the reason I have lights that far away from plant is because of the yellowing of leaves. I moved lights cause I got scared I was gonna kill her!



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Well-Known Member
Looks overwatered. Roots drowning. Seedlings don’t need nutrients added.
Not arguing the possibility of overwatering being the problem, but seedlings can need a small amount of N once the cotyledon leaves have been dropped if the substrate doesn't provide it. Im not super familiar with the symptoms of overwatering but I thought the leaves usually drooped. Guess it would be helpful if the OP mentioned how often they were watering and the pH of the water.


Well-Known Member
Not arguing the possibility of overwatering being the problem, but seedlings can need a small amount of N once the cotyledon leaves have been dropped if the substrate doesn't provide it. Im not super familiar with the symptoms of overwatering but I thought the leaves usually drooped. Guess it would be helpful if the OP mentioned how often they were watering and the pH of the water.

The soil should take care of it for a few weeks.

You can tell overwatering by the thick ribbed appearance of the top leaves and it has been going on the whole time you can see the cots and lower leaves are already gone or affected.
Is it survivable? I was watering when the medium was dry.. sticking my finger in the medium to about my knuckle...

ph level:6.4


Well-Known Member
Always let potting soil dry out til the pot is alarmingly light. A knuckle isnt even close. I like to see dry range in a probe style moisture meter 3/4 the way down the pot before watering to runoff again.

Seedlings and young plants go almost a week on the first watering in the plastic cup and again after transplanting to a 1 gallon.
Thanks everyone.. here's a pic from yesterday..
Turned LED panel (45w 225 LED'S)off.. just using cfl's for now.. I was afraid it was to much lighting...61b2rwI7qwL._SY300_QL70_.jpg