Hello RUI

Hello, I just resgistered and would like to say high! I plan on growing at some point in the future, and I hope to be able to ask from help from time to time to help me grow.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. There is a huge amount of resouce material here. You would do well to read a lot and use their search. Questions are always welcomed because we all learned from doing that or reading books.
Have fun!!


Well-Known Member
pick a medium. soil or hydro. im a soil guy and can help u out with that. the organics section has lots of useful info. or just ask any veteran. we're all a pretty happy lot. my advice to u is to stay away from the newbie section. it will only serve to confuse you with advice from wanna be growers and bullshitters. and kids who are not a valuable source of knowledge.