Hello, new member here with a few questions on my new setup.

Hello rollitup members, my name is scott im from the UK (essex) im 26 years old.

I love smoking weed, but in the last year i cannot afford to buy any, as the prices have gone up, and have another child on the way. so im on a VERY tight budget.

The setup will be indoors in my bedroom.

I have recently bought these exact things.

A growing tent, (which is reflective inside and measures 60cmx60cmx140. cost me £51 GBP.

A 125W CFL dual spectrum bulb. (one side is blue spectrum, and when the flowering stage is ready i kind of turn the bulb around to shine the red spectrum for a better yeild) £25 GBP.

A reflector that measures 450mil x 450 mil, would fit in perfect. which comes with 2 EZ yoyo hangers for easy adjustment. £26 GBP.

And last but not least a basic extractor fan with some flexi hose which is going to extract the hot/stale air from my tent. £30 GBP.

So as you can see i have spent £132 Pounds. and i really cant afford to buy nothing else at the moment.

All products are brand new and still not yet setup as im waiting on some big bud X white widow cuttings from a good friend of mine. (i bought the seeds from attitude seed website and gave them to him to grow a couple of months back.

Now my questions are these.

1: In my tent whats the maximum number of plants i can put in there? im thinking 4 but not sure?

2: I realise my light is only 125W but would it be ok to grow the plants and flower them?

3: I dont have any way to get fresh air into my tent. is that a big problem? (dont forget i have the extractor getting rid of the hot/stale air. just i dont have any fresh air coming in.

4: If the fresh air coming in IS a big problem, how can i do this cheaply? maybe a couple of clip on fans?

5: With the extractor fan how exactly would i install it? im thinking just find a way for the fan to fit near the top of the tent, with the flexi hose going out of the 5" hole in my tent and thats it?

6: overall how do you think i will get on? i know this is a basic setup, but its still a proper setup if you know what i mean? i have some knowledge on growing but not alot. will i be ok?

Well... thats all i can think of for now, i really hope i can get a few replys to help me as i will be setting this all up on thursday coming. ALSO ANY ADVICE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED ANY AT ALL.

thats all happy smoking. thanks for reading. take care. :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Welcome Scott
1) Rule of thumb is 1 plant per square foot but can vary based on your lighting and the type of grow. You also want to leave youself some working space so you can get in and tend all the plants. I once filled my grow space so much that I couldnt get to the plants in back. I didnt realize that plant had a mold infection ( it was mashed up against the wall and getting little or no air circulation) until it spread to the rest of my crop.
2) Not sure on whether your wattage is enough for the size tent. I use a 1000w hps for bloom and simple floro tubes for veg. Someone familiar with using CFLs will have to answer that one.
3) Air circulation is VITAL! You need it for temp control, pest control, and for your plants to breath and to keep mold and fungus at bay. You may as well not give them nutes if you arent circulating the air.
4) Fans are a cheap way to move the air but you still need a way to bring fresh air into the grow space and to keep your temps under control. Plants breath CO2 through thier leaves. If the air is not moving they will quickly use up the CO2 around the leaf zone resulting in slow, stunted growth and low yeilds.
5) Dont know
6) You will have your hits and misses but you will learn. As you learn you will get on quite well. Just dont expect to have an amazing harvest your first time out. You will struggle with dying stressed plants, pests, confusing information of nute levels... etc. Dont get discouraged if you have some failures... you will! Just learn from them. Every plant that I have killed has taught me what not to do. :)

Just remember, less is usually better. For example, what looks like a deficiency may actually be caused by to much of one type of mineral locking out others, bad PH, heat stress or any number of other issues. However, the natural reaction is to add more. If you are mixing your nutes to the manufacturers directions and seeing what appears to be a deficiency then something else is likely the problem. Best bet is reduce rather than increase.

A good PH meter is vital. PH fluctuations can kill your plants

A good EC/TDS meter is pretty important as well but do some research on them first so you know what it is you are looking at. There is a lot of confusing info about these.

Nute concentration - Start with 50% of the manufacturers recommended dose and work up till the plants appear healthy. You plants will recover much faster from a deficiency than they will an overdose.

You WILL have problems. It is unavoidable. Get good at playing detective, keep notes so you know what you did which can help you figure what you did wrong.

Lastly and most importantly, there are lots of people that will tell you what you should or should not be doing. Most of them are just talking to feel important. Believe me, Ive killed a couple plants based on forum advice. If someone is telling you something but doesnt or wont back it up with facts or personal experience then they are likely talking out of their asses.
Experiment and learn and you will do fine.