Hello hello hello


Hello! :weed:

I'm caregiver for my wife and a long time user. We just moved from OR to WA and started our first grow this summer outdoors. Having a blast and learning a lot.

I came from a search looking for some information about how to judge when its time to harvest and found Kojin's Trichomes & Harvesting guide. I loved that it was short and concise and not filled with too much technical jargon.

I do have one question though about the Dr.'s recommendation my wife has. When the Dr. signed the paperwork he did not fill in the expiration. He told us that it was allowed and in doing so we will never have to re-apply so to speak. From what I have read online he is correct but would prefer a confirmation.

Enough rambling. It's nice to meet everyone. Take care.

P.S. I was going to upload some photos of our 1st grow but its down. maybe imgur is ok? Those were taken this morning and are approximately week 5 1/2.