Hello everybody I'm Dr Nick


Hey all,

new here and wanted to give an intro. Just planted seeds for the third time. I had been saving seeds and spending money soon long I had a 16 oz red solo 1/2 cup full of seeds and thought it was time to try something new. I started with just germinating and sprouting about 10 seeds at a time to learn what methods worked best. After few dry runs and then my own 24 solo cup "experiment" i picked the 8 healthiest and transplanted them to 1 gallon pails. Grew them (5 females) to completion and got only about 5-6 oz dried. It was ok. i added more lights throughout that grow and then bought more before my second attempt. I made a lot of mistakes and learned lot about lights, water, food, and WHAT NOT TO DO!

The second grow I started only 5 because I knew I had space issues and went to 2 gallon pails. 2 females yielded bout 8oz dried. I learned a lot the first time and second time and my methods are getting better mostly because of my trial and error I mentioned before.

Today I started round 3. 2 feminized autoflower seeds in 5 gallon pails. Organic potting soil(agway).
Now have 15 150watt equivalent CFL's and 4 48" t12 bulbs. 9x2700k. 6x6500k bulbs and the tubes are 2 x 6500 and 2 x "plant" bulbs I found at local big home store. They say 3097 on them. I'm still new don't kill me.

So I guess hello and I welcome any advice on when to start feeding or changing/adding/moving lights or anything you can offer


Well-Known Member
Sounds like u got it figured man, good luck and welcome to RIU. You should learn lot from the folks on here!


New Member
Holy shit, I would probably get rid of all those CFLs, except the tubes which will be used for cloning and replace them with a HPS. If you are only planning on growing for personal use, and are never wanting to possibly get bigger and bigger yields, then 1/400W would in my opinion be the best upgrade to your grow you can make. Otherwise I would say 1/600W, which has the possibility for endless expansion if you so choose, the 600W is the all around light, big enough for nice quality, but small enough to not make you feel like you're "in too deep".


I appreciate that advice. The lights are a pain. The biggest issue with the hps and mh lights i have right now was cost and heat. I had access the the bulbs and shop lights I set up without spending much at all and for about 50 in bulbs I have the whole room. It's about 4x8 and lined the walls with reflective flashing I had as well. Once i get through a fww grows and save so me money up I plan to upgrade but then I need more ventilation and temp control.

Currently no humidity control and only one small carbon filter running. The smell fills the house but I don't mind.


Well-Known Member
In my experiences, 3rd grow is when you really start gaining a true understanding of what you are doing and should be your best results yet.


New Member
I appreciate that advice. The lights are a pain. The biggest issue with the hps and mh lights i have right now was cost and heat. I had access the the bulbs and shop lights I set up without spending much at all and for about 50 in bulbs I have the whole room. It's about 4x8 and lined the walls with reflective flashing I had as well. Once i get through a fww grows and save so me money up I plan to upgrade but then I need more ventilation and temp control.

Currently no humidity control and only one small carbon filter running. The smell fills the house but I don't mind.
If heat was going to be an issue for you then I would say 1/400W for sure. Definitely get some more grows under your belt and save up some money, the difference is huge and the heat isn't that bad to deal with if you make sure you run the measurements of your room for your intake and exhaust.


I know I can not wait to have the first harvest over. I am trying to wrote down all my lesson learned I am getting into week 6 of flowering and it is not getting any easier no I am stressing over harvesting. Good for you for making it through grow one.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, I did a grow with 14 23watt cfl's 3 or 4 years ago. they ran fricking hot. I upgraded to a 400 watt hps and temps were close to the same. course I then ran 14 cfl's and the 400 watt hps together lol. had to upgrade the fan then. anyway sounds like your on track and doin good
good luck