Hello all New here from IC

Blue Cat

well after having my post edited for disagreeing with a admin there im here to see what this place is all about ....ive always got what i oredered from gypsy i can say that...but his forums is bulls#it they edit what u say if they dont like it

to make a long story short i disagreed with the cost of a 1500$ LED lamp @ 504w vs what i could buy with 1500$ and the list i gave was

3x 600w EYE horti's for 675$
a AC unit and ducting 400$ for lamps reflectors
a pack for joey C99 F2's 60$
and a BC hydro recipe for success starter kit and challenged them
with my fish aquarium gravel and 4inch sq meshpots in a homemade NFT or DWC setup

well i got accussed of trolling and lies and flaming for trying to steer a few newbies toward hps vs 1500$ for the led lamp they were pushing on him a new grower with a good organic soil recipe , nuets and a 600 hps should be good to go while learning til they are ready to expand if temps and enviroment are taken care of

did i mention that they have a banner for the leds company on the forum

basically i called them out dollar for dollar on yeilds and they got pi$$ed


Well-Known Member
well ya have to call it how u see it and I must say. You cant argue with results. The numbers show success. Id have to agree with you. They sound like a sellout. Spamming their own site.