Helicopters and paranoia


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does everyone else feel like every plant they stick in the ground
will be spotted by a helicopter? Lol. Maybe its because in Ky they fly everyday all day
long. There is the national guard, KSP, U.S. marshall, Dea, and an appalachian task
force ALL patrolling the air on a daily basis. This causes me to only grow 6 plants this
year spread out very far from each other, when I would lik to grow more. But I cant
because of paranoia and fucking choppers! They even have these little two man bubble
choppers that fly around ten ft from the ground looking at everything in there path. Unless
your from Ky you may just not understand how hard it is to grow here, I personally know
of them landing for ONE plant! Wtf!?

How do you guys that are from Ky grow here? Please I need help with this. If you dont
wanna post it due to getting word out and gvivng away your techniques then please PM me
and help me out. Im a natural born grower and I cant even grow due to this issue. I understand
LST and all and that it kills out the classic xmas tree shape but that still doesn't stop them. They
waste so much money on it and its pitiful, like theyre looking for murderers in the woods or doing
a damn zombie sweep!

I just need someone to help me out, for real, I posted a similar thread but no one from around
here seems to wanna help a fellow grower out. This is a serious issue..


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does everyone else feel like every plant they stick in the ground
will be spotted by a helicopter? Lol. Maybe its because in Ky they fly everyday all day
long. There is the national guard, KSP, U.S. marshall, Dea, and an appalachian task
force ALL patrolling the air on a daily basis. This causes me to only grow 6 plants this
year spread out very far from each other, when I would lik to grow more. But I cant
because of paranoia and fucking choppers! They even have these little two man bubble
choppers that fly around ten ft from the ground looking at everything in there path. Unless
your from Ky you may just not understand how hard it is to grow here, I personally know
of them landing for ONE plant! Wtf!?

How do you guys that are from Ky grow here? Please I need help with this. If you dont
wanna post it due to getting word out and gvivng away your techniques then please PM me
and help me out. Im a natural born grower and I cant even grow due to this issue. I understand
LST and all and that it kills out the classic xmas tree shape but that still doesn't stop them. They
waste so much money on it and its pitiful, like theyre looking for murderers in the woods or doing
a damn zombie sweep!

I just need someone to help me out, for real, I posted a similar thread but no one from around
here seems to wanna help a fellow grower out. This is a serious issue..
Its called dnt be paranoid, use your head, those choppers miss much of what they fly over. Paranoia will destroy ya

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Feed heavy Nitrogen throughout veg. Leaves will become more dark green and help make it look indigenous. The main thing they can see is its "fluorescent" shade of green; sticks out like a sore thumb.


Well-Known Member
Feed heavy Nitrogen throughout veg. Leaves will become more dark green and help make it look indigenous. The main thing they can see is its "fluorescent" shade of green; sticks out like a sore thumb.
Great idea man. I might apply this to my outdoor grow. Not coz of choppers just so they blend in with the native wild plants/shrubbery


Well-Known Member
Great idea man. I might apply this to my outdoor grow. Not coz of choppers just so they blend in with the native wild plants/shrubbery
hint, hint, its still gonna stand out, if its dark green. There not gonna say, "nah those arent marijuana plants, their too green,. marijuana's flourescent green".

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
hint, hint, its still gonna stand out, if its dark green. There not gonna say, "nah those arent marijuana plants, their too green,. marijuana's flourescent green".
Alot of Indicas are very Dark green, I have seen some black ones, kinda creepy but they are not all flourecent green.


Well-Known Member
hint, hint, its still gonna stand out, if its dark green. There not gonna say, "nah those arent marijuana plants, their too green,. marijuana's flourescent green".
I'm in the UK and where i have dug my holes, there's alot of dark green nettles and native shrubbery so would blend in. Like i said I'm not hiding them from helli's, mainly ramblers


Active Member
The walls are closing in. The choppers are here. Oh nooo the world is coming to an end. People are dieing. Plants are getting pull. I am losting all my HARI AARGHHHHAHHAA NOOO ..
Oh wait ... If i plant them right I will be better off..


Well-Known Member
I have 3+ fly over every day as I live near a hospital and even had a cop chopper fly right over the top on the fourth of july.
I understand the reasoning but over feeding nitrogen in veg is gonna have an effect on ur finished product.. not to mention they are correct it doesnt hide them anymore from a task force crazed by sight of bud plants.
I grow a strain that is almost all dark purple in veg, looks almost black, doesnt hide any better than a big lime green stretchy sativa. theres lots of approaches in cali to hide them in vegetation without shading them too much, i know they dont want it posted on here but if u watch documentaries of msnbc shows you'll see a bit of what I'm talking about in terms of hiding them naturally..
Thats rough about all the choppers, I've seen a couple shows on the growing out there and it seems even from the other side of the country that there is a similar amount of attention on you guys... if not more.
Thankfully for all of us theres a lot of attention on other "illegal" activities, especially on line, around the world this year and those who arent public about pumping out numbers are a little more safe. Certainly the under 5 plant grows should be a little more secure.. the numbers are growing every year of planters so that accounts for why they are finding more lol. But there are some far more shady things going on "anonymously" online that the gov should be using their resources for.. cutting down plants just means less oxygen for us all to breath. Hope its as mellow a year as possible for you guys in ky.Peace.