

Active Member
Using a small plug in heater in a tent with plants wont harm anything or cause problems will it?? hot sticky smell coming from the tent after heater is turned off


Well-Known Member
Just be cautious. I took classes in education for professionals to teach in high schools. Firemen were in the classes and we all had to do presentations. Theirs on toasters and on space heaters were two that scared the shit out of me. Toasters cause tons of fires while plugged in but without even being in use. Like when you're gone. I now unplug it after each use. Same with space heaters and it usually involves switch wear and corrosion even when fairly new due to corrosion from humidity for one.

BTW they suggested GFI switches and outlets on all circuits plus using true surge suppressors for the appliances to plug into as frequent surges can cause arcing and a fire.


Well-Known Member
Using a small plug in heater in a tent with plants wont harm anything or cause problems will it?? hot sticky smell coming from the tent after heater is turned off
What kind of 'hot sticky'? An electrical or material "Hot sticky'? Or a green 'hot sticky'?
You can't get one with a thermostat?
That way, as long as your room is 70 or so, the fan may only cycle a couple times per hour.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the humidity is going way up causing the sticky smell. How's your ventilation?


Well-Known Member
its on a timer, is that safe?
Timer is not good, because you are making it come on according to the timer, not the temp.
Also, is it a high current timer? Or a cheapo timer for a table lamp?
Remember, when that heater fires off, and even running after the thing is started, it draws probably 3x what a table lamp does.


Active Member
its a green hot and sticky and the ventilation is off becuase of the tent being enclosed and the fan taking air out is off at night, should i open up some panels to let the air flow and drop humidity?


Well-Known Member
its a green hot and sticky and the ventilation is off becuase of the tent being enclosed and the fan taking air out is off at night, should i open up some panels to let the air flow and drop humidity?
You need to get some kind of ventilation in there, just make sure it's light proof when you do though.


Well-Known Member
its on a timer, is that safe?
ACTUALLY and seriously, timers were the third item on their list as it seems the internal switches are very susceptible to surges. So, again plug the timer in to a true surge suppressor. It's a hassle but I have not lost a single timer since following their advice. It is the repeated power surges from high demand items like heaters turning on that fry the internal switches. I plug a surge suppressor in, use 1 socket for my timer and then plug another surge suppressor in to that. I'm a musician and have them around.

The timers didn't cause fires in their talk. They simply stop working in nearly every case with only a couple fires out of lots of timer fails.


Well-Known Member
About a year ago a fellow grower on another forum had a fire caused from a space heater and he said he was barely able to put it out himself. He posted pics of the damage which was all in one room but it looked pretty bad.

I started growing about 5 years ago in the summertime and when that first winter came around I began to use a space heater in my grow room at night. It had a thermostat on it and I was growing in a decent sized spare bedroom. I went into the grow room right after waking up one morning and the temp was 106 in there. The fan motor on the heater quit working and the thermostat didn't turn the thing off like it was supposed to. I was very surprised (and lucky) that I didn't have my own fire.

Space heaters are to be used only when someone is right there in the room and awake for a reason. I strongly discourage using it in your tent.

Be safe, bro.


Well-Known Member
As a mechanic, and having some electrical knowledge, I agree with Hotrod, but I have a device that I use to test motors, and I always flip my switch, THEN touch contacts, because the arc and resulting metal transfer from the spark is smaller with a lesser load on it than with a heavy load or draw. Hence making my tool last longer.
Still, I don't like drawing more load than a device (whether it be a timer, power strip, or whatever) was designed for, because it shortens the life span of the device.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember if you mentioned how large your room is, but I don't think heat mats would be very efficient cost wise and electrical wise.
Do you have an area where you could just plug a heat lamp or a couple good size floods for some indirect heat, and let your fans circulate the warm air down to the plants?


Active Member
not really :( only can fit something like a compact dehumidifier which i have ordered and will set up asap
its a green hot and sticky and the ventilation is off becuase of the tent being enclosed and the fan taking air out is off at night, should i open up some panels to let the air flow and drop humidity?
U need to keep ur fans on at night m8 or u might get mould. I did and it f**ked my crop. Good luck :)