Heat Wave! Is it ok to take my plants outside for some sun?


Active Member
I have a 5 week old CH9 indica indoors under 10000 lumens daylight CFL that I've been taking outside during the day. I hardened it off and it can be in full sun with no signs of stress. I have about 2 weeks where I will have enough privacy to keep doing this - because the plant has been loving the sun I want to get it out there as much as possible until I have to keep it indoors all day.

Massachusetts is currently getting slammed by a heat wave, ~90-95 at the hottest, and pretty humid (I know this isn't anything new to those in the Southwest, but yesterday was record-breaking for Boston). This is definitely above the ideal temps, so I could use some advice in weighing costs vs benefits of having it out there. I don't usually need to consider temps this high. I didn't see visible stress when I left it out there for a couple hours, but there might be something bad going on that I cant see. I don't expect to get any long-term damage from leaving it out, but if I would be better off just sticking with the CFLs...

So can I bring it outside? In full sun, or bright/mottled shade (which should still be more lumens than what I have indoors? Maybe a few hours on, or a few off to avoid the hottest part of the day? Is there a temp cutoff that you absolutely stick to?

I have a few options, but it would be great if an experienced outdoor grower could share their thoughts on strategy in this situation. It boils down to whether any configuration I mentioned above would be more beneficial than leaving it in my veg box considering the high temps. This is my only plant at the moment and I don't want to experiment without input.

Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
if you take them out, you will bring mites back in. i do it, but i get mites, and other pests in grow area. if yer gonna take them out, use full sun; its what they like. imo


Well-Known Member
and........lumens are a measurement of how bright light appears, to the human eye. its a funny measurement. indoor think in watts. outdoors think of full sun/partial sun/shade.
again.......in my meager opinion


Active Member
thanks for the quick reply - so full sun regardless of high temp?

and i do get mites, but since its my only plant I'm not worried about contaminating the rest of a garden. I just wash them off.